
Environmental Management Authority Career Opportunities

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      Environmental Management Authority, Environmental Management Authority, Environmental Management Authority, Environmental Management Authority, Environmental Management Authority

      Environmental Management Authority Career Opportunities

      Environmental Management Authority Career Opportunities

      Administrative Assistant – JOB DESCRIPTION

      Position title: Administrative Assistant
      Duration: 36 months
      Duty station: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
      Reporting structure: Administrative Assistant will report to the Chief Technical Advisor

      Roles and Responsibilities:

      • Support the Chief Technical Advisor to deliver day-to-day activities
      • Support the Chief Technical Advisor regarding general managerial duties
      • Support financial administration of the project
      • Support procurement duties for all project activities
      • Support the implementation of workshops and trainings related with the CBIT project

      Minimum Training and Experience:

      • Degree in financial administration or equivalent
      • A minimum of 5 years professional experience with financial project administration

      Language: English

      Requirement: Covid-19 Vaccination is a condition precedent to employment

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      Environmental Management Authority Career Opportunities

      Adaptation Planning Officer (APO) – JOB DESCRIPTION

      Position title: Adaptation Planning Officer (APO)
      Duration: 36 months
      Duty station: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
      Reporting structure: The Adaptation Planning Officer will report to the Chief Technical Advisor


      The incumbent is responsible for providing general support throughout the project with
      a range of activities inclusive of supervision and oversight.

      Roles and Responsibilities:

      • Supervise the technical consultants and activities and outcomes of the consultancies related to planning processes.
      • Support the management of high-level meetings with decision makers in order to ensure the development, and required decision making instances for the implementation of the project.
      • Offer an informed local perspective to international experts, specifically as it relates to the national and sub-national planning processes, to help develop the outputs of the project.
      • Collaborate with local entities involved in climate change information management and planning processes at both national and subnational levels, to help integrate climate change information into these processes.
      • Support the preparation of all annual/year-end project revisions and project reports.

      Main responsibilities:

      Support the Climate Transparency Officer to conduct and develop:

      – Gap analyses, taking existing and planned work into account, and assess their capability to achieve the desired levels of transparency, based on an analysis of international best practices;
      – Indicators, methodology and templates, protocols, and guides for collecting and managing data for tracking adaptation to climate change in the agriculture, water resources, and health sectors.
      – A roadmap for integrating templates, protocols, and guides and recommendations into the existing National Transparency System and to expand the system in the case of increased NDC scope, inclusion of additional
      adaptation sectors, and possibly of updated reporting requirements, and for enhancing synergies with other international reporting obligations.

      • Support the Chief Technical Advisor to conduct the design and pilot the National Transparency system
      • Support the Climate Transparency Officer in delivering:
      – Four (4) ‘train-the-trainers’ training sessions, including developing training materials (one in each of three priority adaptation sectors, and one for GHG Inventory, Mitigation actions/NDC tracking, and tracking of support received),
      including session reports.
      – Module reports of six (6) training sessions, including development of training materials (one in each of three priority adaptation sectors, and one each for GHG Inventory, Mitigation actions/NDC tracking, and tracking of support received) for data suppliers and national transparency system stakeholders.
      • Leading on:
      – Drafting of vulnerability assessment of the agriculture, water resources and health sectors, building on existing climate resilience and vulnerability analysis, and recommendations on actions to adapt these sectors to climate change impacts and enhance their resilience.
      – Roadmap to integrate climate assessments, projections and scenarios in national planning processes to support efforts to adapt these sectors to climate change impacts and enhance their resilience.
      • Delivering training material and report of one ‘Train-the-trainers’ training session on using assessments, projections, and scenarios to integrate climate considerations in (i) adaptation measures national planning; (ii) mitigation national planning.
      • Coordinating drafting of training material and delivering of 4 training sessions (one each for agriculture, water resources, and health and one for mitigation) for national decision-makers on using assessments, projections and scenarios to integrate climate considerations in (i) adaptation measures national planning; (ii) mitigation
      national planning Expected deliverables:
      • One workshop to consult stakeholders on the climate vulnerability of the agriculture, water resources and health sectors, and identify possible actions to enhance the resilience of these sectors and facilitate their adaptation to the impacts of climate change.
      • Report assessing the climate vulnerability of the agriculture and water resources sectors, building on existing climate resilience and vulnerability analyses, including climate projections and scenarios, and providing recommendations on actions to adapt these sectors to climate change impacts and enhance their resilience.
      • Guidelines submitted to relevant Ministries for endorsement on standardizing, implementing and using climate assessments, projections and scenarios on (i) the agriculture, water resources and health sectors into adaptation national planning; and on (ii) GHG emissions into mitigation national planning.
      • One (1) ‘train-the-trainers’ training session held and related training material developed on using assessments, projections, and scenarios to integrate climate considerations into (i) adaptation national planning; (ii) mitigation national planning.
      • Six (6) training sessions held and related training material developed (one each for the agriculture, water resources, and health and one each for the power generation, transport and industrial sectors) for national decision-makers on using assessments, projections and scenarios to integrate climate considerations into (i) adaptation national planning; (ii) mitigation national planning.

      Minimum Training and Experience:

      • Advanced degree or higher (undergraduate, master’s preferred) in areas relevant to climate change, environment and national development, with a focus on M&E and adaptation;
      • Excellent understanding of global climate change issues in particular related to the Paris Agreement, adaptation and M&E, as well as Trinidad and Tobago’s climate targets in the NDC (and NAP) and the current state of the adaptation in Trinidad and Tobago
      • A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in managing projects in the areas of climate change adaptation and M&E;
      • Extensive knowledge on the topics of climate change, adaptation and M&E, as it relates to the UNFCCC
      • Experience in the planning and design of adaptation strategies and programs and monitoring and evaluation (M&E) activities related to these strategies and programs;
      • Demonstrated ability to understand technical concepts that include the, transparency aspects of the Paris Agreement and NDCs/NAPs (especially those related to the context of Trinidad and Tobago).
      • Knowledge of, and experience with gender aspects of adaptation actions is desirable.
      • Ability to lead work teams, excellent research skills, analysis, planning and organization and communication, both oral and written (prepare clear and concise reports), work under pressure, high level of integrity, initiative, use of computer tools (MS Office and / or similar, internet browsers, email, MS Project).

      Language: English

      Requirement: Covid-19 Vaccination is a condition precedent to employment

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      Environmental Management Authority Career Opportunities

      Chief Technical Advisor (CTA) – JOB DESCRIPTION

      Position title: Chief Technical Advisor (CTA)
      Duration: 36 months
      Duty station: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
      Reporting structure: Chief Technical Advisor will report to the National Project Director and to the Task Manager of the Lead Implementing Agency (UNEP).

      The incumbent is responsible for ensuring that project implementation is carried out according to the project design and the outputs are delivered and outcomes achieved to the required standard of quality within the approved timeframe and budget. The CTA is responsible for the deliverable listed below.

      Roles and Responsibilities:

      • Take responsibility for day to day oversight of project execution and project financial operations.

      • Manage financial resources and processing all financial transaction relating to sub-allotments.

      • Ensure coordination and maintain regular communication with relevant ministries, governmental agencies, co-finance partners, Project Steering Committee (PSC) members, members of ad-hoc technical working groups and all other key stakeholders.
      • Organize and facilitate the workshops, project committees meetings and other project meetings.
      • Review, assess and approve technical products from experts / consultants
      • By harnessing the products and deliverables provided by the specialists and consultants in the project, ensure that the latter meets its objectives and achieves expected outcomes
      • Prepare annual workplan and budget revisions and update the project Procurement Plan, as required.
      • Prepare all annual/year-end project revisions and project reports.
      • Participate in the preparation of Terms of References for consultants and participate in the process of interviewing, selecting and hiring the candidates.
      • Supervision of the staff, experts, subcontractors, and implementing partners working on the project.
      • Identification and monitoring of risks, preparing of mitigation strategies and implementation of mitigations measures.

      • Track project achievements against the Results Framework and Core Indicator worksheet
      • Quarterly tracking project achievements against Gender Action Plan, including conducting Gender Audits.
      • Review project deliverables and ensure that gender and climate-related considerations are assessed and mainstreamed
      • Semesterly inform the UN Multi-Country Office (MCO) located in Trinidad and Tobago on project activities and progress.
      • The CTA is also responsible for the specific deliverables listed below.

      Expected deliverables:

      • Hardware and software to improve existing GHG Inventory and Support received tracking components. Incorporate NDC tracking and adaptation data collected into the existing transparency system designed, procured, installed and National Transparency System piloted and operationalized.
      • Capacity building system (for preparing and managing the GHG Inventory, and tracking mitigation/NDC actions, support received and adaptation actions) developed and operationalized
      • Communication campaign to enhance stakeholders and data suppliers’ awareness on the benefits of the improved National Transparency System and enhanced national capacity to track climate action considering gender issues.
      • Report on experiences, good practices and lessons learnt on executing deliverables prepared and shared with the Capacity-building Initiative for Transparency (CBIT) Global Coordination Platform.
      • Two (2) workshops (consultation and validation) on institutional arrangements for preparing and managing the GHG Inventory, tracking of mitigation (NDC) actions, and tracking of support received, including workshop reports.
      • Report assessing gaps and providing recommendations on institutional arrangements for collecting and managing data for the GHG Inventory, tracking of mitigation (NDC) actions, and tracking of support received, including for indicators and templates, protocols and guides, based on international best practices.
      • Proposal of institutional arrangements developed and submitted to Cabinet for approval and submission to the Ministry of Planning and Development for adoption.
      • Two (2) workshops (consultation and validation) on institutional arrangements for tracking adaptation actions, including workshop reports.
      • Report assessing gaps and providing recommendations on institutional arrangements for collecting data and preparing adaptation communications, including for indicators, templates, protocols, and guides, based on international best practices.
      • Proposal of institutional arrangements for collecting data and preparing adaptation communications developed based on the previous deliverable submitted to Cabinet for approval and submission to the Ministry of Planning and Development for adoption.

      Minimum Training and Experience:

      • A minimum of 8 years of professional experience working with the topics of climate change, mitigation and adaptation. Advanced degree or higher (Master’s or higher) in areas relevant to climate change, environment and national development
      • Excellent understanding of global climate change issues in particular related to transparency and Measurement, Reporting and Verification (MRV) as well as Trinidad and Tobago’s climate targets in the NDC.
      • A minimum of 8 years of professional experience in managing projects in the areas of climate change mitigation and/or adaptation.
      • A minimum of 8 years of experience as a national and international professional specialized on issues related to the mitigation and adaptation of Climate Change under the umbrella of the UNFCCC Convention, and especially the Paris Agreement, and its implication in line with the national circumstances from the technical, social, environmental, economic and political perspective of the country.
      • Extensive knowledge of climate change issues, including gender issues according to the UNFCCC and / or Advanced Studies in sciences related to the environment, energy, economy, gender or on issues related to the environment from the perspective of climate change. Additional, advanced studies in Project Management or experience in the management of large projects related to climate change.
      • Experience in the design of strategies or climate programs.
      • Experience with gender mainstreaming project management processes desired
      • Administration of Projects or Institutions of environmental nature with a focus on climate change.
      • Extensive knowledge and participation in climate change negotiations for more
      than 10 years according to the UNFCCC and in line with the Paris Agreement and its Work Plan. Experience as a negotiator in matters that are of interest to the country will be valued.
      • Knowledge in systems development for MRV and Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) Language: English

      Requirement: Covid-19 Vaccination is a condition precedent to employment

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      Environmental Management Authority Career Opportunities

      Climate Transparency Officer (CTO) – JOB DESCRIPTION

      Position title: Climate Transparency Officer (CTO)
      Duration: 36 months
      Duty station: Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago
      Reporting structure: The Climate Transparency Officer will report to the Chief

      Technical Advisor (CTA)



      The incumbent is responsible for providing general support throughout the project with a range of activities inclusive of supervision and oversight.

      Roles and Responsibilities:

      • Supervise the technical consultants and activities and outcomes of the consultancies for transparency matters.
      • Coordinate meetings with stakeholders in each of the sectors for the discussion, analysis and elaboration of the outputs of the project.
      • Support the management of high-level meetings with decision makers in order to ensure the development and required decision making instances for the implementation of the project.
      • Offer an informed local perspective to international experts to help develop the outputs of the project.
      • Collaborate with local entities involved in climate change information management to develop the outputs of the project.
      • Support the preparation of all annual/year-end project revisions and project reports.

      Main responsibilities:

      • Lead the Consultants to conduct gap analyses, taking existing and planned work into account, and assess their capability to achieve the desired levels of transparency, based on an analysis of international best practices.
      • Provide technical knowledge and give guidance and inputs during stakeholder consultations and validation exercises, as well as for the development of report from these exercises.

      • Lead the Consultants to develop:

      – Indicators, methodology, and templates, protocols, and guides for collecting and managing data for tracking progress on implementing the NDC.
      – Indicators, methodology and templates, protocols, and guides for collecting and managing data for tracking adaptation to climate change in the agriculture, water resources, and health sectors.

      – A roadmap for integrating templates, protocols, and guides and recommendations into the existing National Transparency System and to expand the system in the case of increased NDC scope, inclusion of additional
      adaptation sectors, and possibly of updated reporting requirements, and for enhancing synergies with other international reporting obligations.
      • Support the CTA to conduct the design and pilot the National Transparency system
      • Deliver the following:
      – Four (4) ‘train-the-trainers’ training sessions, including developing training materials (one in each of three priority adaptation sectors, and one for GHG Inventory, Mitigation actions/NDC tracking, and tracking of support received),
      including session reports, in collaboration with the Adaptation Planning Officer.
      – Module reports of six (6) training sessions, including development of training materials (one in each of three priority adaptation sectors, and one each for GHG Inventory, Mitigation actions/NDC tracking, and tracking of support received) for data suppliers and national transparency system stakeholders.
      • Provide technical support for the approval of the institutional arrangements
      • Technical support for adoption of the institutional arrangement submitted by the Cabinet.
      Expected deliverables:
      • Report on existing national mitigation and adaptation transparency activities and recommendations to comply with the Paris Agreement modalities, procedures, and guidelines, based on international good practices and on synergies between NDC and adaptation indicators and other international reporting obligations.
      • Two (2) workshops (consultation and validation) for preparing NDC indicators, including workshop reports
      • Report with gender-sensitive indicators, methodology, and templates, protocols, and guides for collecting and managing data for tracking progress on implementing the NDC and templates, protocols, and guides for tracking support received.
      • Workshops (6 – consultation and validation for each sector) on indicators for tracking adaptation to climate change in the agriculture, water resources and health sectors, including workshop reports.
      • Report with gender-sensitive indicators, methodology and templates, protocols, and guides for collecting and managing data for tracking adaptation to climate change in the agriculture, water resources, and health sectors.
      • A roadmap for integrating templates, protocols, and guides and recommendations provided into the existing National Transparency System and to expand the system in the case of increased NDC scope, inclusion of additional adaptation sectors, and possibly of updated reporting requirements, and for enhancing synergies with other
      international reporting obligations.
      • Four (4) ‘train-the-trainers’ training sessions, including training materials (one in each of three priority adaptation sectors, and one for GHG Inventory, Mitigation actions/NDC tracking, and tracking of support received), including session reports.
      • Six (6) training sessions, including training materials (one in each of three priority adaptation sectors, and one each for GHG Inventory, Mitigation actions/NDC tracking, and tracking of support received) for data suppliers and national transparency system stakeholders, including session reports

      • Technical assistance to support the process for approval by the Cabinet and adoption
      • Guidelines submitted to relevant Ministries for endorsement on standardizing, implementing and using climate assessments, projections and scenarios on (i) the agriculture, water resources and health sectors into adaptation national planning; and on (ii) GHG emissions into mitigation national planning.

      Minimum Training and Experience:

      • Advanced degree or higher (undergraduate, master’s preferred) in areas relevant to climate change, environment and national development, with a focus on M&E and adaptation;
      • Excellent understanding of global climate change issues in particular related to transparency framework of the Paris Agreement, adaptation and M&E, as well as Trinidad and Tobago’s climate targets in the NDC (and NAP) and the current state of the adaptation in Trinidad and Tobago
      • Good understanding and experience with mitigation projects, especially in relation to monitoring, reporting and verification of GHG emissions. This can be both through national inventory system, or project based systems.
      • A minimum of 5 years of professional experience in managing projects in the areas of climate change adaptation and M&E;
      • Extensive knowledge on the topics of climate change, adaptation and M&E, as it relates to the UNFCCC
      • Experience in the design of adaptation strategies and programs and monitoring and evaluations (M&E);
      • Demonstrated ability to understand technical concepts that include the, transparency aspects of the Paris Agreement and NDCs/NAPs (especially those related to the context of Trinidad and Tobago).
      • Knowledge of, and experience with gender aspects of adaptation actions is desirable.
      • Ability to lead work teams, excellent research skills, analysis, planning and organization and communication, both oral and written (prepare clear and concise reports), work under pressure, high level of integrity, initiative, use of computer tools (MS Office and / or similar, internet browsers, email, MS Project).
      Language: English

      Requirement: Covid-19 Vaccination is a condition precedent to employment

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      Environmental Management Authority, Environmental Management Authority, Environmental Management Authority, Environmental Management Authority, Environmental Management Authority

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