Feature Articles

Get matched with a therapist online by Thriving Center of Psychology

Psychology center - online therapy

A lesser-discussed “second pandemic” of mental health problems is upon us, and could affect the public’s future perception of therapists and their willingness to seek help. To improve first time encounters with therapy, Thriving Center of Psychology has launched an online matchmaking platform. Vets and validates licensed professionals are matched with individuals …

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Digital transformation market worth US$1247.5 billion by 2026

Digital transformation

Digital transformation is the outcome of changes that occur with the application of digital technologies. The use of digital transformation across business and organisational activities, processes, competencies, and business models leverages the changes and opportunities of a mix of digital technologies and their impact on society. Coding & Programming Courses Learn …

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DTO first telecom operator on blockchain to allow users to own numbers

DTO Decentralized Telecommunication Operator

Leveraging blockchain technology, Decentralized Telecommunication Operator [DTO] has announced its entry into the market. DTO is the first telecom operator on blockchain that allows users to own numbers. DTO aims to pioneer a paradigm shift in how brands and individuals operate in the metaverse.  As the concept of metaverse continues …

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