The pulpy tasty soursop fruit is enjoyed straight off the tree and makes satisfying recipes in many kitchens. As for health benefits, the fruit and leaves are well known to do wonders to your body. It is high in fibre, vitamin C, potassium and antioxidants known to boost immune system. It is known to treat insomnia, constipation, cancer and to improve overall health.
According to WebMd, “Soursop … strengthens your immune system, improving its ability to defend against pathogens. It also promotes the destruction of free radicals, which can help to protect your skin and cells from environmental oxidative damage.”
Soursop pulp delicious and healthy
Eating the flavoursome white juicy pulp in the soursop fruit gives you the nutrients that your body needs. When the prickly green fruit feels slightly soft when pressed on the outside, it is time to cut it open.
It is very common to discover that your beautiful fruit did not ripe properly and you will not be able to consume it. If you are fortunate to cut open a perfect one, get a spoon and enjoy the delicious pulp just like that. The fibrous fruit helps with digestion and improves bowel movements.
Milky treats with soursop
The soursop pulp is also used to make milky treats. Recipes for punch, milkshake, ice-cream, yogurt, and popsicle include the pleasurable flavour that is loved by many. Be sure to add the secret ingredients that are known to enhance any milky treat. These are vanilla essence, nutmeg, cinnamon, ginger and zest from orange and lemon.
Drink tea with soursop leaves
A good night’s rest is crucial in boosting your immune system. An overactive mind dealing with the stresses of the day can keep you up unnecessarily at night. Use three or four fresh soursop leaves to make a hot cup of tea at night. Boil your water and let the leaves seep in it for 3-5 minutes. Add sugar to taste and enjoy your tea.
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An article in Huffington Post states, “In the West Indies, soursop leaves are commonly used as a sedative. In the Netherlands Antilles, the leaves are brewed to make a beverage that enhances sleep. The leaves can also be put into one’s pillowcase to enhance sleep.”
Plant a soursop tree for benefits
Due to the popularity of soursop, the fruit is very expensive in many countries. It makes a lot of sense to use the seeds from the fruit that you have purchased and grow the fruit for yourself. The tree is easy to plant and it takes up very little space in your backyard. You can afford to plant several soursop trees around your kitchen garden to keep boosting your family’s health.
Warning against soursop to treat cancer
While the tasty fruit is highly recommended for recipes, better sleep and boosting immune health, it should not replace a doctor’s advice for cancer treatment. A blog post on Cancer Center states, “Experts warn against using the fruit to treat cancer. While research suggests soursop can fight cancer, it has not been studied in humans. As a result, there is no evidence of its safety or efficacy.”
To sum up
Soursop fruit is tasty straight off the tree and makes a delicious ice-cream and milkshake, while the leaves make a great tea. Both the fruit and leaves are known to treat insomnia, constipation, cancer and boost immune system.
The fruit is very expensive and easy to grow for yourself. Although soursop is used by many to help fight cancer, doctors recommend that it should not be used to self-medicate since there is no evidence of its safety.
Get yourself some soursop fruit and leaves today to start improving your health. The seeds are easy to plant so you can have as many as you wish around your home.
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