Potato crust quiche in sweet T&T for Sweet TnT Magazine, Culturama Publishing Company, for news in Trinidad, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, with positive how to photography.

Potato crust quiche for lunch

For those of you who love to try veggie recipes, try making a potato crust quiche. This is a flavourful meatless option that uses locally grown ingredients that you can pick up at your green grocer or supermarket that you find affordable. After trying this recipe feel free to experiment and create new variations. Try a different crust, either traditional bread crumbs or just add some spinach leaves to create a lovely spinach and cheese quiche variation to this recipe.

Potato Crust Quiche recipe

Potato crust quiche in sweet T&T for Sweet TnT Magazine, Culturama Publishing Company, for news in Trinidad, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, with positive how to photography.

Estimated preparation time: 30 minutes

Estimated cook time: 30 minutes

Serving: 8 in 9-inch casserole dish


3 large potatoes

1 can mixed vegetables

1 cup evaporated milk

2 eggs

1 pound cheese

3 tablespoons butter

1 tablespoon dry bread crumbs

8 cups water

1 teaspoon salt

½ teaspoon black pepper


Peel the potatoes, cut into chunks and boil in water for 20 minutes or until tender, then drain water.

Add 2 tablespoons butter to potatoes and mash together until smooth.

Beat eggs in a bowl, add milk and mix together.

Grate cheese on the side of the grater with large holes.

Potato crust quiche raw in sweet T&T for Sweet TnT Magazine, Culturama Publishing Company, for news in Trinidad, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, with positive how to photography.
Mash potato crust.

Use remaining butter to grease casserole dish.

Spread the buttered mashed potatoes at the bottom and sides of the casserole dish about 1/2-inch thick.

Drain the canned vegetables and pour them into the casserole dish.

Sprinkle the grated cheese on top.

Pour the milk and eggs mixture over the quiche.

Sprinkle with bread crumbs, salt and black pepper.

Bake at 250 degrees for 60 minutes or until the top is golden brown.

Let cool before serving.

Potato crust quiche, vegetables raw in sweet T&T for Sweet TnT Magazine, Culturama Publishing Company, for news in Trinidad, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, with positive how to photography.
Add vegetables.
Potato crust quiche, grated cheese in sweet T&T for Sweet TnT Magazine, Culturama Publishing Company, for news in Trinidad, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, with positive how to photography.
Add grated cheddar cheese.
Potato crust quiche ready for baking in sweet T&T for Sweet TnT Magazine, Culturama Publishing Company, for news in Trinidad, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, with positive how to photography.
Ready for baking.

Potato crust quiche baked in sweet T&T for Sweet TnT Magazine, Culturama Publishing Company, for news in Trinidad, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, with positive how to photography.
Potato crust quiche vege one pot in sweet T&T for Sweet TnT Magazine, Culturama Publishing Company, for news in Trinidad, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, with positive how to photography.

Serve your delicious potato crust quiche with a veggie one pot dish and fresh salad. Happy baking.

March 2017

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