HTC One M8 vertical dual cameras layout Photo credit:
HTC One M8 vertical dual camera layout Photo credit:

Dual cameras are they better?

It is expected that these days every phone has a camera. This feature has become standard in present times. It is hard to believe that once upon a time phones didn’t have cameras. Phone manufacturers once waged a megapixel war. Every year the latest model came out with more and more pixels. The next evolution in Smartphone development seems to be dual cameras.

So what are the benefits of having dual cameras?

The first generation of dual camera phones was built for 3D. These phones took photos and videos in 3D groundbreaking technology in 2011. Since then, the 3D craze has since subsided, not only with smart phones but with TVs as well. It was noted that with dual camera configuration you would get a wider field of vision, and thus, bega, the current trend.

At present, the dual camera option gives you the ability to create photos with the bokeh/background blur effect sometimes referred to as depth in field like with the HTC One M8. Some allow to switch between cameras allowing you to choose the one that is best suited for a particular shot. As in the case of the LG G5, allowing the consumer to switch between cameras and allowing wide-angle photos or more detailed ones to be taken at the push of a button.

The Huawei P9 has one camera that is monochrome. You would be able to capture excellent black and white photos or can combine the photos to deliver an improved final photo. The Apple Iphone 7 Plus also features dual camera, one camera has a higher optical zoom so that extra detail could be added to the photo.

Xiaomi released the Redmi Pro with a dual camera, the main 13MP camera would take the actual photo while the 5MP camera adds the depth information and followed up with the Mi5S plus also has a dual camera setup with two 13MP cameras one of which is monochrome.

A demonstration of how the dual camera works on the new iphone 7 plus Photo credit:
A demonstration of how the dual camera works on the new iphone 7 plus Photo credit:

Are dual cameras worth the price?

Of course these phones are flagship models so as a result are a bit pricey. So your decision would be based on two factors, your budget and what you would like to do with your photos.

If you take photos and just share them to social media, or just document those special moments, it’s best to stick with a single camera configuration. If you are a photographer and would like to have a camera phone with the same features as your DSLR so that you would never miss the perfect shot, a dual camera phone is best for you.

At the end of the day, your decision would always be determined by either your budget or how much money you are willing to spend on a camera phone. At the moment dual camera phones may be a bit expensive and that may just be because the technology is relatively new.

As the dual camera configuration is adopted by more and more manufacturers, it is expected that the price would inevitably drop. Who knows by Christmas of 2017 we may see a cheaper dual camera phone.

January 2017

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