Stop worrying. Woman in white and red floral dress standing on green grass field
Photo by Joshua Abner on

Stop worrying: 5 tips to clear your head and accomplish goals

Hearing the advice to stop worrying about things that bother you may be easier said than done for many people. You are being told to let go of thoughts and emotions that feel as real as a blow to the head. These feelings are mixed causing you to be confused, unfocussed and uninspired to do anything positive.

It is okay to feel anxiety, fear, sadness and hurt in a world with so much disappointments and uncertainty. You spend time thinking about the harsh words and actions of people, the failing economy, your unsuccessful moments in life, opportunities that you have missed and the fears you feel towards failing in the future.

Why you should stop worrying

You must remember that change is constant and challenges will come and go. Overthinking things only causes you to procrastinate. You shut down the progress of your life, give the cold shoulder to loved ones, put all your plans on hold and lose out on many opportunities that come your way.

Thoughts are just a figment of your imagination so worrying about events in the past, trivial matters in the present and what the future will bring you is a waste of precious time.

You live to regret the things you did not do when you had the chance and will have no one else to blame but yourself for it. It is time for you to stop worrying and start making things happen for yourself. Here is a guide on how to get your head on straight and do what you are supposed to do.

1. Write it out

Writing out your concerns in detail is a very effective way to get negative thoughts out of your head quickly. This popular technique for venting has been practised by adults and children on their own for numerous years, and has been suggested by experts to those who have never done it.

To do this properly, you can keep a daily journal on yourself or by your nightstand. Write down noteworthy information whenever it comes into your head. This means that you take note of important events and times in your life that happened and that are upcoming. These can be both positive and negative occurrences.

The aim is to store away the thoughts that will most likely make your head spin. This strategy will definitely make you stop worrying so that you can start working on your plans with a clear head.

2. Use audio or video to vent

Recording yourself talking about events that corrupt your mind is another excellent way to stop worrying. Getting things off of your chest on a recorder is similar to speaking with a therapist but without the feedback and hefty fees.

You should do this strategy alone so that you can hear your own voice express all your concerns fully. Having someone else in the room with you may alter your freedom to speak about what is on your mind. It is common to figure out the answers to questions that have been nagging you for a while when you vent.

Use the voice or video recording app on your phone to start. It will be helpful if you state the date, time and place so as to put your recording into context. Say whatever comes to your mind and do not press stop until you have nothing else to say.

Do not worry about long pauses when you may have stopped to think, cry or breathe. Let the recorder help you to heal.

3. Exercise to clear your head

Working out is another popular strategy that helps to clear the mind. For centuries, people have been relieving stress with yoga, aerobics, running, boxing, swimming, tennis or joining the gym.

Mayoclinic states that exercise has some direct stress-busting benefits. It pumps up your endorphins, reduces negative effects of stress, it’s meditation in motion and improves your mood.

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If you find yourself overthinking things uncontrollably, stop worrying and start an exercise programme in the morning. You can do some yoga poses like sun salutation, half moon, downward facing dog, planks, cobra, warrior and pelvic floor exercises.

Pick up the speed with some brisk walking, stepping up and down on a step, block or an exercise board to upbeat music and jogging. Once you get your heart rate pumping, you can do some running, aerobics and strengths such as squats, lunges, push-ups and jack knives. When exercising feels hard, you can make a few lifestyle changes with these strategies.

4. Do something fun

Worrying incessantly causes you to wallow in self pity and become a dull person. Stop worrying and start doing fun activities to change your mood.

You will be surprised to see how quickly your mind will shift from having negative thoughts to positive ones once you get involved in spending time with family, friends and people you have met in online groups.

There will always be interesting conversations to keep your mind inspired, jokes to keep you laughing and activities to keep you occupied and wanting more.


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You can gather a bunch of board games like Pictionary, Charades, Uno, Scrabble, Monopoly or a pack of cards to start having game nights with your family members and friends. Everyone can prepare food and bring a good mood to have a time of their lives.

Another fun activity for you to do with your siblings and friends is dancing. Try the Caribbean wine to get a smaller waistline, learn salsa and ballroom dancing, or just put on some music at home and go wild. Having fun will take your mind off of situations that will exist whether or not you worry about them.

5. Learn a new skill

Keep yourself busy by learning a new skill. Sometimes people worry a lot because they have too much time on their hands. Even if your schedule seems full already, you can still start a new project in your free time.

Persons who are occupied daily with activities that require their focus and full attention to become a success do not spend time worrying about matters that they cannot control. If you feel hurt about something that happened in the past, anxious for an upcoming event, and bothered by something in the present that you are unable to fix, then direct your attention to a productive activity.



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Start a kitchen garden at home to keep yourself busy. Purchase seeds or gather the kitchen scraps of your favourite foods. Learn all about planting and spend some time in the yard digging dirt, mixing soil nutrients, nurturing your plants and reaping the produce.

Another project you can do is signing up for a course that might interest you. You may learn to sew your own curtains, style hair, improve your skills in make-up and nail care, repair and maintain a vehicle or play a musical instrument.

This is also a great time to become certified in areas that you would like to improve. You can aim to complete your secondary or tertiary level education, enter a new field, or take a finance and marketing course to develop your entrepreneurial skills. When successful, you will be qualified for your dream job or you can start your own business successfully.


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