Busy Corner, Chaguanas for shopping article in sweet T&T for Sweet TnT Magazine, Culturama Publishing Company, for news in Trinidad, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, with positive how to photography.

Shopping safety tips this holiday season

With all that is happening in the news recently, you may not want to leave your home. Sweet TnT Magazine brings you a list of shopping safety tips that you should use during the season and also throughout the year. You may also check out the public announcements made by the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service.

– Be alert when getting to your favourite shopping area, especially when parking.

– Do not park in lonely or unsecured areas and try not to travel alone as much as possible.

– Ensure that your loved ones are aware of your whereabouts at all times.

– Practise caution when opening your purse or wallet in public. You may feel the need to help those who are less fortunate in keeping with the spirit of the season. While taking out your cash, be aware of

– Beware of strangers approaching you for any reason, even though not all strangers may wish you ill intent. Criminals try various methods of distracting you with the intention of taking your money or belongings.

– Be on the lookout for counterfeit money.

– Avoid shopping in unfamiliar locations or changing money for strangers.

– Speaking on your cell phone while shopping may be convenient but it could also prove to be very distracting and keep you from effectively monitoring your surroundings, thereby making you a possible target.

Woman shopping with Yufes bag at Trincity Mall in sweet T&T for Sweet TnT Magazine, Culturama Publishing Company, for news in Trinidad, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, with positive how to photography.

– Avoid loading up yourself with shopping bags and packages, this will draw attention and make yourself a prime target for pickpockets.

– Avoid wearing excessive jewelry for the same reason. Watch for people who may bump into you or try to distract you in some other way. They may be setting you up for pick-pocketing, exercise caution in crowded areas.

– Keep a close eye on your children while on shopping trips. If they are old enough provide them with a cell phone so that they may call if they become separated. Before hand decide on a meeting point

where you should meet if they become separated from you. For younger children let them know that they should go to security or police personnel  for assistance should they become lost. A name tag with your contact information securely fixed to their clothing is also a good idea. Never leave children unattended in movie theatres or arcades while shopping.

– When making purchases never let your credit card out of your sight.

– If using cash, do not flash it about and secure it in your purse or wallet before you leave the counter. Only walk with what you need, avoid moving around with excessive amounts of cash.

– When using ATMs ensure that it is in a safe and secure, well lit location. Be mindful of your surroundings before, during and after your ATM transaction. Do not accept help from strangers. As much as possible try not to move alone.

December 2016

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