

Joyanne James

Joyanne James. Sweet TnT Short Stories

Joyanne James is an author and editor of books and websites published by Culturama Publishing Company. Her publications are: Sweet TnT Short Stories Sweet TnT 100 West Indian Recipes Series: Improve Spelling and Reading AI Stories EA Stories EE Stories EI Stories EY Stories IE Stories OA Stories OO Stories …

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Jevan Soyer

Jevan Soyer. Sweet TnT Short Stories

Jevan Soyer is a devoted father of two sons and a busy body at home and work. He holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Health and Safety from the University of London. He is a director at Culturama Publishing Company, Study Zone Institute and Sweet TnT Magazine. He …

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Omilla Mungroo

Omilla Mungroo. Sweet TnT Short Stories

Omilla Mungroo is a mother of two who describes herself as a simple person. She is passionate about writing short stories and poetry, has a degree in Education from the University of Trinidad and Tobago and did courses in hairdressing and counselling. She has worked in several fields which she …

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Kerry Mc Donald

Kerry Mc Donald. Sweet TnT Short Stories

Kerry Mc Donald is an easygoing person or maybe introvert at heart. She is employed in the financial sector as a document management clerk and focusses on building her passion in cake decorating and sugarcraft creations running her cake business part time. She has done creative work for various celebrations …

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