I am affirmations
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

I am affirmations: How to achieve it all in 5 steps

If you are tired of waiting on good health and fortune to come your way, then it is time to do your I am affirmations. These are repeated goals stated in the present tense that can work wonders for your mind and body.

Saying “I am” before your goal is far more powerful than saying, “I want to be healthy, I would like to be rich, and when I become successful, I am going to be happy.” I am affirmations programme your mind to be in a state of being and not in a state of wanting.

Affirmations in the present tense allow you to believe that you already have the goals that you want to achieve. Believing in yourself is the number one rule in any area of a person’s life. You hear this from a teacher, coach, gym instructor, and therapist all the time.

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LIFE FORCE is the result of interviews with more than 150 of the world’s top medical pioneers, and of Robbins going on his own life-changing journey.


Advocates of the Law of Attraction promote that you do I am affirmations during your meditation in order to manifest abundance.

In Psychology, we learn that our subconscious mind plays a major role in the actualisation of our lives and the manifestation of our desires.

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Spiritual persons sum it up to having faith in a higher being to bring blessings into your life.

Stop wanting your goals and start having them today. This article outlines 5 steps to using I am affirmations properly to start attracting the life you desire.

Law of Attraction: How to conceive, believe, and achieve in 5 steps

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Personal Power is a 30-day program designed to empower you to take back control of your life and make the changes that will transform your life from ordinary to extraordinary.


5 steps to using I am affirmations

1. Conceive your goals

Whatever you want to attract into your life, you have to conceive it first. This is the concept of the Law of Attraction. If you hold on to your negative past, you will attract unfortunate events. If you want great results, then focus on positive thoughts only. Think about all the areas of your life that you would like to see improvement and define your goals clearly.

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2. Write down ‘I am’ goals

Write down your goals using auxiliary verbs “I am healthy”, “I have money”, and “I do my best”. Avoid using negative terms to affirm goals as in “I am not unhealthy”, “I have to fight poverty,” and “I don’t procrastinate.” Feed your brain positive words so it will become more powerful than ever.

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What is Headspace?

Stressed out? Tired? Unfocused? All of the above? We’ve all been there. But what can you do about it? That’s where Headspace comes in. Headspace has hundreds of meditations and mindfulness exercises to help you learn the skills you need to be healthier and happier — and it was created by a former monk who knows quite a bit about all that stuff. Try it out and take some time to be kind to your mind today.

3. Record yourself for 30 minutes

Record yourself reading your I am affirmations repeatedly for 30 minutes. You may do a voice or video recording. You may get creative and play inspirational music of your choice in the background to make your meditation more relaxing.

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4. Listen to your recording twice a day

Listen to your recording every morning as you wake up and every night before you fall asleep. This practice helps to programme your brain to focus on the things you actually want. It also blocks negative thoughts about toxic people, traffic, poor health, and lack of money from entering your mind. Eventually, you would affirm the things even when you are not listening to the recording.

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5. Do what it takes to achieve your goals

At this point, you should be more inspired than ever to do what it takes to achieve your goals. The trick is to do exactly what you affirm. Saying “I am healthy” means that you diet and exercise, “I am wealthy” means that you work on becoming a successful entrepreneur, and “I am happy” means that you start feeling grateful for everything that you have in your life. The hardest part is starting, but once you begin, there is a surprise in store for you.

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Change your life today with these 5 steps to do your I am affirmations successfully. When you conceive your goals, you must write them down in the present tense with a positive statement, record yourself reading them, listen to the recording daily to drive them into your brain, and do what it takes to get them done. When positive results come your way, feel grateful for everything you receive.


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