Culturama Publishing Company

Culturama Publishing Company: Informing and entertaining since 2009

Culturama Publishing Company is a Trinidadian media company that specialises in both electronic publishing and print media since 2009. As the publisher of printed magazines (Sweet TnT), websites ( and, books (recipes, short stories, and phonics), educational resources and videos (@sweettntmagazinetv and @studyzoneinstituteltd) the company educates and entertains its audience with positive and helpful content, allowing them to make informed decisions and perform DIY tasks.

Affiliate marketing

Culturama Publishing Company participates in affiliate marketing with individuals and businesses around the world. The content featured on and includes native advertising, product reviews and link insertions.

Directors of Culturama Publishing Company:


History of Culturama Publishing Company

Registered in 2009, Culturama Publishing Company once provided publishing services for external authors of magazines, books and newspapers.

Printed issues of Sweet TnT Magazine

In November 2011, the first printed issue of Sweet TnT Magazine was published. The second was available in November 2012, and from January 2013 to June 2016, the issues were published quarterly. A digital flip version of the magazines was made available on

The content was strictly based on the culture of Trinidad and Tobago from local writers.


  • Lifestyle
  • Food
  • Creole Corner
  • Places

The printed issues had an average circulation of 5,000 copies. The audience was limited to citizens and visitors to the twin-islands.


In 2016, most of the content in the printed issues of Sweet TnT Magazine was published on

The website quickly evolved with a fast-growing global audience of up to 13,000 viewers per day and has been publishing trending topics around the world and advertorials daily.


In 2017, was launched to provide educational resources for students at Study Zone Institute Ltd, Barataria, Trinidad.

To date, educational content is published frequently on the website.


Free downloads

Free downloadable worksheets and posters have been made available to readers on

These activities aim to assist parents and teachers with educating children, teenagers and adult learners.



Videos have been created based on the articles on these sites and have been published on the social media platforms:

Sweet TnT Magazine:

Study Zone Institute:

Books on Amazon

In 2019, two books were published to commemorate the 10-year anniversary of Culturama Publishing Company.

Sweet TnT 100 West Indian Recipes

Sweet TnT 100 West Indian Recipes


  • Breads
  • Fillings
  • Chutneys and Sauces
  • Soups
  • Main Dishes
  • Salads
  • Drinks
  • Desserts
  • Sweet Snacks
  • Savoury Snacks

Sweet TnT Short Stories

Sweet TnT Short Stories, 10 years.


  • Lifestyle
  • Superstition
  • Fauna

These books are available in e-book and paperback formats on Amazon.

Improve Spelling and Reading Skills

In 2022, a series of 10 story books called Improve Spelling and Reading Skills have been published on Amazon to support the phonics articles on Study Zone Instituteā€™s website. The books are available in e-book and paperback format.


Study Zone:

  1. AI Stories
  2. EA Stories
  3. EE Stories
  4. EI Stories
  5. EY Stories
  6. IE Stories
  7. OA Stories
  8. OO Stories
  9. OU Stories
  10. OW Stories


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2 Vowels: Explore digraphs, rime, rhyme, homophones and more with 10 fun books

Free worksheets: Download activities for English, Math, Accounting, Science and Technology

Printed issues of Sweet TnT Magazine

AI Stories book: Improve spelling and reading skills

Sweet TnT 100 West Indian Recipes

Sweet TnT Short Stories

About Sweet TnT

Our global audience visits daily for the positive content about almost any topic. We at Culturama Publishing Company publish useful and entertaining articles, photos and videos in the categories Lifestyle, Places, Food, Health, Education, Tech, Finance, Local Writings and Books. Our content comes from writers in-house and readers all over the world who share experiences, recipes, tips and tricks on home remedies for health, tech, finance and education. We feature new talent and businesses in Trinidad and Tobago in all areas including food, photography, videography, music, art, literature and crafts. Submissions and press releases are welcomed. Send to Contact us about marketing Send us an email at to discuss marketing and advertising needs with Sweet TnT Magazine. Request our media kit to choose the package that suits you.

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