Tag Archives: investing

Can you afford to retire? Use this guide to navigate inflation and plot your golden course

Can you afford to retire?

Picture this: you’ve traded deadlines for deckchairs, swapped spreadsheets for seashells, and finally claimed your well-deserved retirement victory. But amidst the blissful freedom, the nagging questions may lurk: Did I plan enough? Can I afford to retire? Retirement, while a golden chapter, requires smart financial preparation. It’s not just about …

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Investing like the 1%: Is mimicking billionaires the key to success?

Investing like billionaires

The allure of mirroring the investment strategies of billionaires is undeniable. The idea of emulating the financial manoeuvres of the ultra-wealthy has an undoubted appeal – after all, who wouldn’t want to follow in the footsteps of those who have amassed immense fortunes? However, beneath the surface lies a complex …

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