Relieve stress

Sun salutation: Relieve stress fast anytime

It only takes three minutes to brighten your mood and you don’t need to change into your sweat pants. Sun salutation is one of the fastest and most effective ways to relieve stress whenever you need to. Even though the name means ‘honouring the sun’ and it is a familiar yoga stretch for those doing a full yoga workout, it can benefit the busiest person at any time of the day who can only spare a few minutes for some exercise.

How to relieve stress with sun salutation

If you only had fours of sleep and you wake up feeling cranky, then stand next to your bed or in your bathroom and do your sun salutation. Your crankiness would suddenly disappear, you relieve stress, and you would be ready for another hectic day.

When your job gets to you and you feel to run away for a break, go to the bathroom and do your sun salutation. The stretches and deep breaths would energise your body immediately and relieve stress. You would be ready for any challenge at the work place.

You may get into an argument with someone at work, on the street, or at home after a long frustrating day, when you get home do your sun salutation. Relieve stress instead of venting more for something that has already passed.

Doing a simple sun salutation

  1. Stand straight with your hands at your sides and face East.
  2. Inhale and join your hands together.
  3. Exhale and raise your joined hands up to the sky.
  4. Inhale, face your palms upwards and slightly bend your upper body backward.
  5. Exhale, bend your body forward and touch your toes. Breathe normally and hold pose for 5 seconds.
  6. Inhale, bend your knees and stretch your arms up to the sky.
  7. Exhale, stand straight and slowly bring your hands to your sides.

Repeat these seven steps two more times.

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