
Search Results for: trinidad

Eastward safety exodus amid soaring crime rates in Trinidad and Tobago

Eastward Exodus

Port-of-Spain, once a bustling hub of commerce, feels eerily hollow these days. Shop windows stare blankly, “closed for relocation” signs flapping in the sea breeze. This isn’t a planned economic shift, but a desperate exodus driven by an invisible enemy: “Town’s” rampant crime. Citizens are fleeing the western peninsula en …

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How Trinidad can skyrocket TTD to match the mighty USD


Imagine a Trinidad and Tobago where buying that dream gadget with TTD wouldn’t require dipping into a bottomless wallet. Picture shelves stocked with affordable imported goods, businesses seamlessly accessing global trade markets, and tourists flocking to shores where their dollars stretch further. This friends, is the alluring vision of a …

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Why Trinidad and Tobago welcomes self-checkout while US stores wave goodbye


As gleaming self-checkout terminals blink and beep their way into supermarkets across Trinidad and Tobago, a curious trend ripples across the Atlantic: major US retailers are hitting the brakes. Walmart, Kroger, and even Costco – the very giants who championed automation – are quietly pulling the plug on self-checkout lanes, …

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Declining birth rates in Trinidad and Tobago: Reasons and strategies to curb the problem

Declining birth rates in Trinidad and Tobago

Maria, a 35-year-old accountant with a thriving career and a wanderlust heart, gazes at the sunset over Port of Spain. Her laughter rings through the air, not from chasing toddlers, but from a salsa lesson with her girlfriends. For Maria, “having it all” doesn’t include the traditional 2.5 kids and …

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Trinidad and Tobago’s economic future: As predicted by Benner’s Prophecies


In the field of economic forecasting, Samuel Benner’s works, particularly his book “Benner’s Prophecies of Future Ups and Downs in Prices” published in 1875, stands as a testament to early attempts at understanding and predicting market dynamics. While not universally accepted, Benner’s philosophy, rooted in the “Law of Periodicity”, warrants …

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Striking the balance: Navigating lawyer advertising in Trinidad and Tobago

Lawyer Advertising in Trinidad and Tobago

In the legal practice, the role of effective communication and outreach is undeniable. While the legal profession serves as the bedrock of justice and advocacy, the boundaries of advertising within this realm are subject to meticulous scrutiny and regulation. This article embarks on an exploration of restrictions imposed on lawyer …

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Rising prices in Trinidad and Tobago: 7 reasons behind inflation with solutions

Rising prices

In recent times, Trinidad and Tobago has witnessed a notable surge in the cost of living, leaving citizens grappling with the economic implications of rising prices across various sectors. This phenomenon has sparked widespread concern, prompting a closer examination of the underlying factors driving the inflationary pressures within the twin-island …

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