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What’s the right way to get paid by your clients?

If you’re running a business, then one of the slightly unexpected questions you might find while setting things up is the quandary of how you’re going to get paid.

While it might seem like something of a strange question, with the answer being “any way that works”, in reality, there are implications for implementing different payment options in your business, and here we will look at a few of them.

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5 Ways to get paid by your clients


The simplest form of transaction there is, or so you might think. Cash might still be the most readily accessible and convenient for some customers, though preferences are starting to shift more toward using cards.

In order to accept cash, however, you have to carry cash in order to give change. You have to be careful with your count, as well, and make sure that you take extra care to put accurate numbers in your accounting, as miscounting can easily lead to cash flow errors.

Credit cards

Credit and debit cards are now accepted by the vast majority of businesses for a range of reasons. Most people carry one, and modern technology allows them to complete purchases with a simple tap of their card on a reader.

With a portable credit card reader, you can even take this convenience on the road with you to get paid. That said, you do have to set up a merchant account, which comes with some degree of cost.


A lot of people treat PayPal like it is a sort of digital credit card payment. Indeed, many consumers link it up to a credit card or bank account and use it for quick and easy payments. However, PayPal does come with significant transaction fees.

What’s more, a lot of people and business owners have reported having trouble, such as PayPal cutting them off from their funding, or allowing customers to charge, taking back their money, long after services or products have been delivered. As such, it should be used with care and money should perhaps not be kept in there for too long.

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Digital Wallets, Money Management, and More
PayPal is the faster, safer way to send and receive money or make an online payment. Get started or create a merchant account to accept payments.


Although the buzz over the crypto revolution has died out somewhat, there are still some pretty strong proponents out there, and some might encourage you to accept crypto payments.

Some countries and regions are starting to see crypto payments becoming much more popular but, unless you can demonstrate that your market is likely to use them, setting up crypto payments can be more hassle and cast than it’s worth.



Invoicing is typically done with commercial clients. Many businesses prefer to receive an invoice detailing the payment that they owe, as well as where to send it, as it makes it a lot easier to set up their accounts. If you’re running a B2B business, you might want to consider this option, but not a lot of consumers want to use invoices too often.

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There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to getting paid by clients. The right method depends on your industry, target audience, and the value of the transactions. By considering the pros and cons of each option, from cash to invoicing, you can ensure you get paid efficiently and securely. Remember, a smooth payment process keeps your business running and helps you get paid on time, every time.


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