Azerbaijani author Emiliya Ahmadova Caribbean Tears.

Azerbaijani author’s ‘Caribbean Tears’ a must-read

Azerbaijani author Emiliya Ahmadova lives in Trinidad, has been a scout leader, volunteered in the house for aged people and inspires people for positive changes. Hearing about the plight of Venezuelan victims of trafficking she decided to write a book called Caribbean Tears. It covers all issues that are happening in your society as well as teaches how to solve them.

Emiliya says, “Although I was born and grew up in Azerbaijan, as a married woman I now live abroad. Because of this redirection in my life, I speak three languages: Azeri, Russian and English. As a believer, mother, author, motivational coach, and former scout and youth leader, my life is entirely governed by the necessity of believing in the possibility of everything.” She shares the following synopsis on her website:

Caribbean Tears by Azerbaijani author Emiliya Ahmadova

Sheila is a 35-year-old Trinidadian woman who has all she wants: a caring husband, Miguel, and two beautiful children. She is a housewife who has devoted her life to bringing up her children. But her life is turned upside down when her police-officer husband locks up the brother of a local gang leader, which triggers an attack on her family.

Sheila is kidnapped and shipped to Venezuela, where she is sold to a brothel owned by a woman by the name of Bernadette. There her nightmare begins, as she is forced into prostitution. She is tormented nightly by the brutal Victor, who is Bernadette’s lover and the brothel’s supervisor.

Despite her daily tortures, Sheila keeps hoping for escape. She befriends the other women at the brothel, including a teenage girl, who benefit from her positive outlook.

Back in Trinidad, a badly-burned body of another woman is mistaken for Sheila. Believing she is dead, her husband eventually begins a relationship with a woman named Candice, whose actions are partially the cause of Sheila’s family’s pain and suffering.

Will Sheila be able to escape her nightmare and get her life back?

Contact the Azerbaijani author

Author can be contacted at



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