A primary reason for integrating technology in math is that it has so many educational benefits. Using technology in math class provides dynamic opportunities and enhances the learning ways of students. Finding the right place and reason for using the technology is necessary for those places where stem (science, technology, …
Read More »Ponche a Crème recipes: Chocolate, Mocha, more
There’s nothing like Chocolate Ponche a Crème for Valentine’s Day. Our friends at Ninja Chefs shared their recipes for their world famous flavoured Ponche a Crème. The flavours are Regular, Chocolate, Mocha and Pumpkin. Also, Ninja Chefs were kind enough to supply vegetarian substitutions in the recipe for those who …
Read More »Adulting: 6 unquestionable things you should be doing at 18
When you turn 18, it’s like you jump down a rabbit hole and enter a strange world full of expectations. You go to bed one night a teenager with privileges and next morning, you’re an adult with scary responsibilities. You are given markers of what being an adult is and …
Read More »Scents of a Trinbago Christmas
By Marissa Armoogam. So the August vacation is long gone, everyone’s back to their usual routine and you, as well as I, know what’s on most if not all Trinbagonians minds… Christmas holidays…and the scents. We really like our holiday times. For me the excitement to Christmas starts when I am …
Read More »Grow up! 5 obvious signs you avoid acting like an adult
As you turn 18, you enter a new world where suddenly everyone expects you to grow up and act like an adult. You may even find reading this article very difficult because it is telling you exactly what you hear every day. Your parents ring off your ears telling you …
Read More »Belize exports to receive boost with new poultry disease regulations
“It is my understanding that the current Poultry Regulations that exist are outdated and no longer compliant with current international standards. There are also other private standards which are not mandatory under the Belize Poultry Improvement Plan (BPIP), and a draft Poultry Disease Regulations which was developed in consultation with …
Read More »How to find an authentic turquoise ring?
The turquoise ring has been used in jewelry for over 5000 years in different cultures with striking blue and blue-green shades. The most notable thing about turquoise accessories is that they perfectly combine traditional and modern styles. The December birthstone is quite popular in American Southwestern and Native American jewelry. …
Read More »Title an essay fast with this complete guide from experts
By Ema Lee. A title can be the maker or breaker for your essay. So, what are the most attractive ideas to make a target audience want to go through your writing? Students get overwhelmed when they get their essay assignments and always want to choose “something unique”. That’s where …
Read More »Pastelle making a process for the whole family
By Candida Khan. It’s our family tradition to endure the long process of pastelle making. We always make it fun when we get together and play music, chat, and laugh while making awesome pastelles. Some are made with veggies and others are filled with chicken, beef and turkey. Younar Tortilla …
Read More »How to protect your mental health from social media dangers
Social media has proven to be a boon in many ways. This tremendously popular interactive platform enables us to effectively connect. Through social media, we can create and share ideas and information in copious amounts and, even more amazingly, in real time. And yet, along with its draws come its …
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