woman in white scrub suit standing on brown wooden parquet floor
Photo by cottonbro on

Free self defense classes for T&T women

Women’s safety is a growing concern in Trinidad and Tobago. Learning self defense helps to empower women and enable them to recognise risks. “Blackout” is a women empowerment program that offers free self defense classes. It is geared at helping women in T&T mainly those affected by domestic violence. Currently, the organisation is working on building a shelter to house over 400 battered women and children.

Register for free self defense classes

The course covers basic self defense, tactics, marksmanship principles/weapon training, first aid and map reading. The program’s locations are West Moorings, Maracas and St Clair. Anyone interested in this free self defense program can WhatsApp “Blackout” at 340-0127 to get enlisted.

Women be alert

The following is courtesy the Trinidad and Tobago Police Service

When parking at night, select a place that will be well lit when you return. Check for loiterers when leaving or entering your car.

Be conscious of your own vehicle maintenance. If a breakdown occurs, tie a white cloth to the door handle or antenna; wait for assistance inside your
locked vehicle. If a Good Samaritan offers you help (mechanical or otherwise) pass money for an appropriate phone call via your slightly opened window.

SAFETY PRECAUTION: Do not let your vehicle’s gas gauge register below the half mark before filling your gas tank.

A Check List (for the assault victim)

Report crimes immediately to the nearest Police

Station or call E-999.

Do not wash or douche.

Do not touch, move or destroy any article that may be evidence.

Have a medical exam and an internal gynaecological exam done at the nearest hospital as soon as advised by the attending Police Officer.

Inform the doctor of the exact acts committed upon you: any medical evidence of the acts should noted by the doctor.

Doctors must be allowed to take semen smears.

Doctors must note any bruising and injuries (bleeding, lacerations, etc); external and internal.

Doctors should test for any vaginal infections and pregnancy at a later stage, if relevant.

Inform Police Officers of all details of the attack, however intimate, and anything unusual you may have noted about the attacker. Recall what was said and how it was said. This detail could lead to an arrest.

Show Police all external bruises or injuries however minor, resulting from the attack. Also show injuries to a trusted friend or relative who might be available as a corroborative witness at the trial.

Hand over clothing worn at the time of the assault, including ndergarments, to the Police for analysis.

When calm, make notes of the actual assault, including:-
– direction in which you last saw the attacker running;
– description (height, weight, type of build, skin and hair colour, any noticeable odours and facial distinctions, scars, clothing or jewellery).
Community Policing Secretariat
Tel: (868) 622-2568
Fax: (868) 622-1807

Sex Crimes Are Not Crimes Of Passion. They Are Crimes Of Violence.

Far from being an impulsive behaviour, most sexual assaults are planned. This crime could happen to you no matter your age, ethnicity, financial or marital status.

At Home

If you live alone, you should list only your initials and last name in the phone directory and on your mailbox.

Be sure to lock your doors, even if you are at home or if you leave for a few minutes to walk the dog, get the mail, put out garbage or hang out the laundry.

Never open the doors automatically for anyone.

Insist that the caller identify him or herself.

If a stranger asks to use your phone, do not permit them to enter. Offer to summon emergency assistance or make the call for the person.

Inside and outside lights give you good protection.

Leave lights on at night, even when you are away.

Change the direction of inside lighting from time to time

Leave lights on over the doors you will be using when returning home after dark.

If a door or window has been forced or broken while you have been absent, DO NOT ENTER OR CALL OUT. Use a neighbour’s phone IMMEDIATELY to call the Police and wait outside until they arrive.

Whenever possible, avoid walking alone at night.

After getting out of any vehicle, LOOK AROUND to see if you are being followed.

If a suspicious person is behind or in front of you, cross the street. If necessary, crisscross from one side to another, back and forth. Don’t be afraid to run. One of the criminal’s best assets is the ability to surprise you;
to attack when you least expect it. Should you continue to be followed, be prepared to scream and run.


Walk closer to the curb; avoid walking too close to shrubbery, dark doorways and other places of concealment. Avoid short cuts especially through backyards, parks and tracks.

If a car approaches you and you are threatened, SCREAM AND RUN in the direction opposite to the car that is following you. The driver will have to turn around to continue pursuing you.

Dress for mobility. Stylish clothes tend restrict your movements.

Try not to overload yourself with parcels, books, large purses, etc.

Never hitchhike or accept a ride from a stranger.

When arriving home by maxi or taxi, request that the driver wait until you are safely inside.

Have your keys ready at hand so that your doors can be opened immediately

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When able, travel on well lit, more populated streets and thoroughfares.

Keep car windows closed and car doors locked.

Keep you car in gear while you are at a traffic light and signs. If your safety is threatened, hold down the horn and drive away as soon as possible.

If you should be followed into your driveway, stay in the car with the doors locked until you can fully identify the occupant and know the driver’s intent.

Check your rear view mirror regularly. If you believe that you are being followed by another car, do not drive into your driveway or park on a
deserted street. Pull over to a spot where there are a lot of people and let the car pass you. If the car continues to follow, drive to the nearest place where you can get help, e.g. Gas Station, Police Station, or Fire Station.

Sound the horn to get attention to your neighbours or as an attempt to scare off the other driver.

Never leave car keys in the ignition, even if you are parking only for short time. Take them with you and ensure that the car doors are locked.

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