Aquaponics systems

Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills

Imagine this. You walk out to your garden, porch, your office or even your room and hear the soothing sound of falling water. You see fishes swimming and organic lettuce, broccoli or even strawberries growing. Sounds amazing right? Doesnā€™t sound possible? Well it is. Dillon Kurban is co-director of 3D Aquaponic Solutions. The aquaponics systems are custom built for gardens, porches, inside of your houses, apartments, business and commercial spaces.

The need for 3D aquaponics systems

During this Covid-19 pandemic, building your immune system and social distancing is the most important thing. This is where 3D Aquaponics comes in. Demand for organic produce has grown exponentially over the years. It is forecasted to increase to over USD$300 billion per annum globally by 2025.

Minimal maintenance and less grocery bills

Aquaponics allow you to have your home garden without dealing with the dirt and watering your plants daily. It is soil-less planting with minimal maintenance. Aquaponics uses 10 percent of the water used in traditional farming. After the system is set up, all you need to do is feed the fishes and watch your plants grow. No harmful chemicals or pesticides are used, making the produce organic and natural.

Dillon says, ā€œOrganic produce cost substantially more than chemically grown produce. However, with our systems eating healthy doesnā€™t have to mean more expensive. Most organic produce is imported, this means by the time it is purchased, the produce is 2-3 months old. Produce loses 30 percent of its nutrition 3 days after it is reaped. Having your own system producing organic produce eliminates any loss of nutrition and reduces your monthly grocery bills.ā€

Award-winning project

Dillonā€™s idea of custom-built aquaponics systems was for his final year project at University of Trinidad and Tobago. He studied Instrumentation and Electrical Engineering about 7 years ago. He began researching ways to combine his hobbies of fishing and gardening. This is when he discovered aquaponics. He built a self-sustaining, automated mobile aquaponics system. This won the award for best final year project. Shortly after that, a close family member became gravely ill due to poor eating habits for years. The family member recovered. However, this drove the motivation to bring aquaponics systems, a healthy, organic lifestyle to the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • WhatsApp Image 2020 10 14 at 11.02.26 1
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less billsv
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills
  • Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less billsv
  • 3D aquaponics systems
  • 3D aquaponics systems

Do it yourself with consultancy service

Dillon says that everyone should have access to fresh healthy, organic produce. ā€œWe work with our clients to determine their needs, budget and space availability. We provide consultancy services for individuals or companies who would like to attempt it themselves. Unlike our competitors our systems are geared towards family homes, apartments and business places. We customize our systems based on our customersā€™ budget, produce requested and to fit perfectly into the feng shui of the environment.ā€

Chemicals in produce and fast food

He explains, ā€œTraditional agriculture is one of the biggest sources of water pollution, oil-based fertilizers, pesticides and chemicals. These run off into waterways which causes harmful effects to humans, animals and insects. This increased intake of harmful chemicals in produce and fast food has led to a higher frequency of physical illnesses. This has led to people wanting to lead a more organic and natural lifestyle.

ā€œAquaponics is a symbiotic process of combining aquaculture (rearing of fishes) with hydroponics (soil-less planting). Aquaponics uses the excrement from the fishes, to fertilize the plants. Aquaponics can grow a myriad of products at the same time unlike hydroponics. This means that aquaponics is perfect for homes, offices and commercial set ups.ā€

Contact info

Facebook: 3D Aquaponics Solutions

Instagram: 3daquasol

WhatsApp: 1-868-386-4073


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3D Aquaponics Solutions

3D Aquaponics Solutions. 616 likes. 3D Aquaponics, building custom aquaponics systems for every need, space and want

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Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills, Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills, Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills, Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills, Aquaponics systems made for organic food, less bills

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