The role of workers’ solidarity in the US port strike win.
Photo by Savvas Stavrinos on

Workers’ solidarity in action: Lessons from the recent US port workers strike

In an era of increasing economic disparity, workers’ solidarity has become a vital tool for employees to assert their collective power and achieve fair treatment in the workplace. One of the most striking recent examples of this is the US port workers’ strike, which ended swiftly, within just a few days, as union members banded together in solidarity, achieving a favourable resolution. This case illustrates the profound impact of workers standing together and the effectiveness of collective action in securing workers’ rights.

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The context of the strike

The US port workers’ strike, which unfolded on October 1, 2024, centred around disputes regarding wage increases, job security, and working conditions. These workers, responsible for managing the movement of goods at major US ports, are critical to the nation’s supply chain infrastructure.

Despite their essential role, many had been working under stagnant wages, poor working conditions, and heightened job insecurity due to increasing automation.

As negotiations with port authorities and corporate management faltered, the workers, represented by the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), voted overwhelmingly to strike.

However, unlike many labour disputes that drag on for weeks or months, this strike concluded in a matter of days. The key reason for this rapid resolution was the unwavering solidarity demonstrated by the workers and the broader labour movement.

The power of solidarity

Solidarity is the lifeblood of any union or collective bargaining effort. It signifies that all workers, regardless of their individual roles or positions, understand that their strength lies in unity. This principle was at the heart of the US port workers’ strike, where workers from across different ports and states came together with a common cause: to demand fair treatment and improvements in their working conditions.

1. United front

From the outset, the union leadership, supported by rank-and-file members, emphasised the importance of standing together. There were no divisions between different port workers—longshoremen, clerks, and maintenance workers were all united in their demands.

This united front sent a clear message to management: the workers were not willing to accept piecemeal concessions but would stand firm until their collective demands were met.

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2. Support from other unions

Solidarity extended beyond the port workers themselves. Other labour unions and workers across the country, from truckers to warehouse employees, expressed support for the strike. This broader solidarity was crucial, as it put additional pressure on port authorities and corporations to reach a resolution. Some unions even organised work slowdowns and rallies in support of the striking workers, amplifying the collective power of the labour movement.

3. Community and public backing

The workers’ cause also garnered widespread public support. With supply chains already stretched thin from post-pandemic disruptions, the public was keenly aware of the importance of the work port employees performed.

As media coverage increased, it became clear that the port workers were not just fighting for themselves but for broader issues of economic justice and fair wages. Community groups, local politicians, and public figures joined the call for a swift resolution that addressed workers’ concerns.

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Quick resolution and favourable outcomes

The strength of worker solidarity, combined with support from other unions and the public, made it impossible for the port authorities and corporate management to ignore the demands of the workforce. Faced with the possibility of extended disruptions to US commerce, the authorities returned to the bargaining table within days.

Key outcomes of the resolution included:

Wage increases: One of the central demands of the workers was a substantial wage increase to keep up with the rising cost of living. The final agreement included a significant raise, ensuring that port workers could maintain a decent standard of living.

Job security protections: As automation continues to threaten jobs in various sectors, the union fought to ensure that port workers would not be left behind. The agreement included strong provisions for job security, including guarantees that new technology would not be implemented without negotiations on how it would impact jobs.

Improved working conditions: Beyond wages and job security, workers also achieved improvements in their working conditions, particularly around safety measures and work hours. This was a critical win for workers, as port jobs can often be hazardous, with long hours taking a toll on employees’ health and well-being.

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Broader implications for the labour movement

The swift resolution of the US port workers’ strike highlights the enduring power of workers’ solidarity. In recent years, we have seen a resurgence of labour activism across various sectors, from tech to healthcare, reflecting broader dissatisfaction with stagnant wages, rising inequality, and poor working conditions. This case provides valuable lessons for workers and unions around the world.

1. Strength in unity

When workers stand together and refuse to be divided by management tactics, they can achieve far more than they could individually. The unified action of the port workers forced a swift resolution to their dispute, avoiding a prolonged strike that could have weakened their bargaining position.

2. Inter-union solidarity

The support of other unions, both within the transport sector and beyond, was instrumental in increasing the pressure on management to resolve the strike quickly. This solidarity across different industries serves as a model for future labour actions, where coordination and mutual support can amplify the impact of individual strikes.

3. Public support is key

Winning the support of the public and the media can play a critical role in the success of a labor action. In this case, the workers’ narrative of economic justice and fair treatment resonated with a public increasingly aware of growing inequality. By framing their demands within a broader context of social justice, the port workers were able to galvanise public opinion in their favour.


The US port workers’ strike stands as a compelling example of how workers’ solidarity can bring about significant changes, such as better wages, enhanced job security, and improved working conditions. By standing together and garnering support from unions and the public, the workers achieved their goals in a matter of days.

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