November is National Novel Writing Month

Start your novels for National Novel Writing Month

Creativity, education, and the power of the imagination are celebrated in November through National Novel Writing Month or NaNoWriMo. This is the largest writing event in the world and it marks 19 years in 2017. This year, National Novel Writing Month expects over 400,000 people to start their 50,000-word novel in the month of November. The Trinidad and Tobago region has 325 registered members to write this year. Members are invited to write at least 10,000 words toward their new novels. Last year, 52 novelists contributed 682,371 words to the world’s total and 6 persons met the 50,000 word count for the period.

“Once you’ve started, you’ll have something to finish. For those up to the challenge of 50,000 words, go for it. If you write a little each day, you will be surprised that at the end of November you will have a manuscript. Your book cannot begin its journey unless you write it down,” says Marsha Gomes-Mckie, National Novel Writing Month’s Municipal Liaison, Caribbean: Trinidad.

National Novel Writing Month is a nonprofit that believes your story matters. The organisation provides the structure, community, and encouragement to help people find their voices, achieve creative goals, and build new worlds — on and off the page.

November is National Novel Writing Month

Unleash​ ​Your​ ​Creativity during National Novel Writing Month

Throughout National Novel Writing Month, writers will be guided by this year’s theme: Super powered Noveling. “National Novel Writing Month ignites people’s super heroic creative powers every year by empowering them to write their stories. It takes courage, grit, resilience — and wild imaginative leaps — to write 50,000 words of a novel in a month. Our stories save us from villainous forces that we encounter every day. Our stories determine the future of our world,” says Grant Faulkner, Executive Director of NaNoWriMo.

Last year, National Novel Writing Month welcomed 384,126 participants, in 646 different regions, on six continents. Of these, more than 34,000 writers met the goal of writing 50,000 words in a month. This year, participants will be inspired by weekly “pep talks” penned by published authors, including Roxane Gay, Kevin Kwan, Julie Murphy, and Grant Faulkner.

At there is a vast writing community that is active all year round. Interested writers can join the site to reap the networking rewards of finding writing buddies, getting free podcasts and publishing advice in addition to free perks from industry sponsors.

As a writer, you must keep yourself and your book in the loop. National Novel Writing Month also provides participants with access to mentorship from authors. This all-inclusive community encourages you to write and network.

For more info, contact Marsha Gomes-McKie at:


Phone: 1-868-732-5901

November 2017

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