Turning the ice cream maker for homemade ice cream in sweet T&T for Sweet TnT Magazine, Culturama Publishing Company, for news in Trinidad, in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, with positive how to photography.
Turning the ice cream maker.

Homemade ice cream, sweat for a sweet

By Annisa Phillip. One of the things I recall about growing up in my grandmother’s house is ice cream making. My first involvement in the experience required some manual labour.

Back then we used a wooden pail and the real labour was having to turn the handle of that pail for about an hour before we could get ice cream. Talk about having to work for food. Replacing calories burned with ice cream.

By the time the treat was finished we burned enough calories to earn that dessert. We were simply replacing the calories we burned. From that we graduated to an electric machine so there was no longer a need to sweat for a sweet.

No machine, no problem

Well, times have changed as is the norm and the ice cream maker got lost along the way so I do not currently own a machine. However, that should never be a deterrent, should it? I am sure that ice cream was made before machines were created (because the machine would have been pointless if it did not exist).

No machine, no problem. Actors are not the only ones who know how to improvise so I improvised an ice cream maker. The tools on hand were a hand mixer, salt, ice and a freezer, the process was similar to that of using a machine.

Coconut and peanut homemade ice cream by Annisa Phillip in sweet T&T

The process of ice cream making

I placed a bowl into a slightly larger bowl, added ice around the inner bowl and added salt to the ice. Basic ice cream making 101: adding salt allows the mixture to get colder. To the inner bowl I added my ingredients which would be custard, milk and preferred flavouring, but I replaced the custard with condensed milk and used peanut butter as flavour of choice.

A stand mixer is not necessary but is great for this process so there would not be any time wasting. With all the ingredients added to the bowl, it is just a matter of letting the mixer do its thing. A good cheat for this process also is mixing the ingredients well, putting it in the freezer till it is slightly iced, and mixing again.

Repeat that freezing-mixing process a couple of times then place in the freezer till frozen. Breaking up the ice helps to produce that creamy “scoopable” texture.

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Ice Cream Maker Attachment


If you already own a KitchenAid stand mixer, you already have a great ice cream maker on hand. Just treat yourself to this ice cream-making attachment, which includes a mixer bowl that you pre-freeze, a dasher, and a device to turn the dasher. It whipped up the smoothest ice cream in our test, though it struggled with sorbet.

Proud of my ice cream

My stand mixer-improvised-ice-cream-making machine worked wonderfully. However, using that cheat worked wonders to accomplish the end product. I feel so proud.

When it’s nice you do it twice and so I did. After the great results of the peanut dessert I also made some using coconut. I simply replaced the cow’s milk for coconut milk and left the peanut butter out. Delish!

February 2017

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