Startup weekend, Launch Rockit, Workshop, Entrepreneur, meeting, seminar, Startup, weekend, no talk, all action, to do, November, Sweet T&T, Sweet TnT, Trinidad and Tobago,

Startup weekend with Launch RockIt

Stop dreaming about your ideas and start building them. We at Launch RockIt offer out-of-the-box entrepreneurship boot camps to help entrepreneurs launch businesses faster with less risk and help companies develop internally. Startup Weekend is one of the successful entrepreneurship boot camps that we host.

This is a global 54-hour event/competition where entrepreneurs, programmers, designers, marketers, managers, lawyers, teachers, students, and anyone with a heartbeat who is interested in being part of a business can come together to turn ideas into businesses in 54 hours.

The next Startup Weekend begins at 6.00 p.m. on Friday, November 25th to Sunday 27th, 2016 at the Abercrombie Tea House, #98 Abercrombie Street, Port of Spain. The cost is TT$500 and early birds pay TT$300. We would like to give away tickets to Sweet T&T’s first three readers to register.

The process during Startup Weekend is pretty simple. On Friday, entrepreneurs pitch their ideas and select the best ideas to work on during the weekend. On Saturday, mentors guide the entrepreneurs with their ideas, and on Sunday the entrepreneurs pitch to a panel of judges. By this time, the ideas have grown into potential businesses. Attendees get to meet and connect with amazing like-minded people and they are all motivated to help each other. There is also a lot of food provided during the Startup Weekend. 


Startup Weekend is extremely beneficial to Trinidad and Tobago as it helps with economic development – starting and building innovative companies and creating the next generation of business men and women. So far we have hosted eight different boot camps for the public and private entities, and have enabled 83 entrepreneurs to develop their ideas into businesses within a period of 20 days. Besides helping entrepreneurs develop their ideas, we also connect them to the resources they need. Outside of startups, we consult with large companies to innovate internally and create entrepreneurs.

Interested persons can register for Startup Weekend at Call us at 868-308-3865 or email to To get a better understanding of Startup Weekend see what others have said at We look forward to hearing from you.


November 2016

Active learning and types of students

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One comment

  1. Preuss HG, Bagchi D, Bagchi M, et al. Effects of a natural extract of (-)-hydroxycitric acid (HCA-SX) and a mix of HCA-SX plus
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