New home
Photo by Ketut Subiyanto on

New home: Avoid 6 regretful problems before moving

At some point in everyone’s life, you experience “buyer’s remorse”. It is usually simple to deal with and is chalked up to a life lesson. Where real estate is concerned, where you are considering buying, leasing, or renting a new home, and thousands, if not millions of dollars are involved, the average person cannot absorb such an expensive life lesson.

So, who do you turn to when you are thinking about moving? Most times the determining factor on where to buy or rent is price. It is only after the fact you see or hear the flaws in your decision. If you think about it, none of the people you interact with during the process of relocating have a vested interest in telling you the problems about your new home.

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The realtor wants to just close the sale and get their commission. If you are renting, the landlord simply wants the space occupied to start generating income. Well, there is a website that would solve this problem, and prevent you from making a bad choice in selecting your new home.

6 Problems to avoid with a new home using

1. Noisy neighbours

If you have narrowed down your search for a new home to a couple of options and you need a little more help in making the final decision, imagine if you could meet your new neighbours before you move in. You would know if you have noisy neighbours or friendly neighbours.

As a landlord, you could do a very simple cursory background check on a client, to see if you are willing to accept the risk of dealing with a specific person. Their credit rating may be perfect and they have a high paying job, but they may be a horrible tenant.

2. Pot holes

If you are in the market to buy a new home, you definitely want the streets to be in good condition and free of pot holes. You do not want a bumpy ride every time you leave and return to your house. Plus, the cost of vehicle repairs would send you crazy.

Also, how would your guests arrive at your house warming comfortably? Since you do not want the conversation about your moving to be about the roads to get there, get all the help you need now.

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3. Parking issues

Don’t you just hate it when you go out to a place and you can’t find a parking spot? Imagine that experience for the rest of your life at your new place called home. What about when your family and friends come to visit you, where would they park?

Parking is one problem that you can scratch off your list by listening to people who were affected directly. They give you a firsthand perspective of potential possible problems. You can get an idea of how your decision to move may affect you by just entering an address and seeing all reports on parking issues.

4. Loud noises

Imagine your first night at your new home, you find out that loud noises keep you awake until morning. Some of these include dogs barking, howling and growling, cars blasting loud music in the streets, the speakers at a nearby pub carrying on all night, and people gathering outside your home laughing and shouting obscenities during the wee hours.

These are noises that only reveal themselves after you have settled in. View what would be the largest purchase of your life, and learn about the experiences of others who have been directly affected. As they say, “An ounce of prevention is always better than a pound of cure.”

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5. Street trash

Who wants to move into a neighbourhood where street trash is an eye sore? It does not only look bad, but the smell of garbage scattered in front your beautiful new home is repulsive. What about when it is time for you to take out your garbage and you have to view and smell other people’s rubbish on the street.

Then, there is the health issue with street trash. The rotten foods and smelly diapers only attract flies, roaches, rats and stray animals into the neighbourhood. It is only a matter of time before these pests enter your home and you have big problems. Avoid them now by doing the right thing.

6. Crime aggregates a series of reports, giving you a comprehensive view of your new neighbourhood. It allows you to research neighbourhoods, real estate markets, crime statistics as well as census data.

311 complaints

311 complaints are reports like abandoned vehicles, noise complaints, and graffiti. Code violations are particularly important. They could result in fines, as well as costing you, thousands in modifications.

By adding a second channel for citizens to report minor to moderate problems, it frees up resources and gives 911 operators the ability to prioritise more severe emergencies for action by first responders.

It is not available throughout the United States, but is available in some form in largest cities and metropolitan areas. Cities like San Francisco, New York City, and Los Angeles have mobile apps to make reporting issues easier.

Helpful tool for landlords, realtors and lenders is not just the “Yelp of apartments”, but can be a very helpful tool for not only prospective homeowners and tenants, but for landlords and realtors. Lending institutions may find this service useful as well, since fraud and identity theft have been on the rise in recent years.

Some reports may contain photos and even videos

They say that a picture is worth a thousand words, that is why both photos and videos can be attached to reports. Nothing says credibility like photographic or video evidence. This can prove particularly helpful if the photos reveal structural faults that are covered over during a recent renovation or with drywall or paint.

Your privacy is important

Users can share their own stories anonymously, in case you were concerned about burning bridges with neighbours, friends and/or family members. This allows contributors a level of security without fearing that the information that is very valuable will not end up hurting them.

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These are problems that you can avoid when finding a new home. The reports may contain information that can give you a picture of an entire city if needs be, and not just a street or neighbourhood.

These city profiles contain information about the most typical issues and complaints. They are expressed by the people that it affected directly, giving you a firsthand perspective of potential possible problems.


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