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Stefan Mandel: How to win the lottery 14 times using math

Stefan Mandel, a Romanian-Australian mathematician, is a name synonymous with defying the odds. He managed to win the lottery an astonishing 14 times, a feat that has captivated the world and sparked both admiration and controversy.

Mandel’s approach to the lottery was far from a lucky guess. Instead, he relied on a mathematical strategy he called “combinatorial condensation”. This method involved calculating every possible combination of numbers in a lottery and then purchasing tickets for all of them. While this sounds simple in theory, the execution was incredibly complex and required significant financial backing.

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To fund his ambitious plan, Mandel formed a syndicate called the International Lotto Fund (ILF). With the help of investors, he targeted lotteries where the jackpot was significantly larger than the total cost of purchasing all possible combinations. This meant that if they won, the profits would far outweigh the initial investment.

While Mandel’s method was technically legal, it raised eyebrows and attracted the attention of authorities. The FBI and CIA even investigated him and the ILF, but they were ultimately cleared of any wrongdoing. However, the intense scrutiny and subsequent legal battles took a toll on Mandel, and he eventually declared bankruptcy.

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The success of Mandel and his syndicate led to changes in lottery regulations worldwide. Many jurisdictions now prohibit bulk ticket purchases and the use of computer-generated tickets to prevent others from replicating his strategy.

Despite the controversies and challenges, Stefan Mandel’s story remains a fascinating tale of mathematical ingenuity and the pursuit of the ultimate gamble. His legacy serves as a reminder that even in a game of chance, careful calculation and strategic thinking can sometimes yield extraordinary results.

Combinatorial condensation: The math behind the lottery win

Combinatorial condensation is a mathematical strategy that involves calculating every possible combination of numbers in a lottery and then purchasing tickets for all of those combinations. This method was famously employed by Stefan Mandel to win the lottery multiple times.  

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How does it work?

Calculate the number of combinations

Determine the total number of possible combinations based on the lottery’s rules. For example, in a lottery where you pick 6 numbers from a pool of 49, there are millions of possible combinations.

Estimate the cost

Calculate the total cost of purchasing tickets for every possible combination. This involves multiplying the cost of a single ticket by the total number of combinations.

Compare cost to jackpot

If the total cost of buying all combinations is less than the expected jackpot, there’s a potential for profit.

Purchase tickets

If the calculation indicates a potential profit, purchase tickets for every possible combination.

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The limitations

While this method might seem like a guaranteed win, there are several significant hurdles:

  • Immense cost: Purchasing tickets for every possible combination is incredibly expensive. Even for relatively small lotteries, the cost can be astronomical.  
  • Logistics: Managing and organising the purchase of millions of tickets is a logistical nightmare.
  • Lottery rule changes: Due to individuals like Stefan Mandel, many lotteries have implemented restrictions on bulk ticket purchases and computer-generated tickets.

Disclaimer: While this article explains the mathematical concept behind combinatorial condensation, it’s crucial to understand that lottery rules have changed to prevent this method from being exploited.

Combinatorial condensation is a fascinating application of mathematics to a seemingly random game of chance. However, the practical limitations and subsequent rule changes have made it an impractical and often illegal strategy.

It’s essential to remember that lotteries are primarily games of chance, and there’s no guaranteed method to win consistently.


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