CBD dog treats for anxiety in dogs
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Anxiety in dogs: CBD treats for best mental state

If you have any attention-loving breeds and you go out a lot leaving them at home, chances are that they may be suffering from anxiety. There are several causes of anxiety in dogs… the most common are separation, aging and fear.

No doubt, dogs are certainly one of the most human-loving animals on the planet, if not the most loving. They are adorable and the pups of many breeds are beyond cute. Simply put, it’s almost impossible to not love these amazing animals. The fact that they are the most owned pet tells us a lot about how endeared they’ve become to us humans.

Cats come in second on the list of the most owned pets because, like dogs, they are also incredibly cute, perhaps, even cuter. But for several reasons, most people would rather have a dog as a pet. One of such reasons is the fact that dogs can serve different purposes including security. Most cat breeds are small and not as agile as dog breeds around the same size. As a result, they don’t really pose much of a threat to intruders.

Physical pain and anxiety in dogs

If you’re a dog-lover, you most likely already know some of the illnesses that dogs suffer from and can tell when they’re ill. This may be much easier for old-time pet parents but for new parents, it could be a lot harder to tell. You see the thing with dogs is that they’ll try to maintain the same level of activeness they are known for even when in pain. They do this because they always want to please their owners.

However, this could be quite dangerous as the cause of the pain may escalate into a much severe condition. It is therefore the responsibility of the parent to take regular trips to the vet to get their pet checked. By regularly visiting the vet, any health issue can be easily discovered and treated on time before it escalates.

But physical pain is not the only health challenge that our canine pets suffer from. This may come as a surprise to some people, but dogs actually suffer from anxiety like us humans. Dog breeds like the Siberian Husky, Yorkshire Terrier, Pugs, and several others need a little extra attention. If you have any of these attention-loving breeds and you go out a lot leaving them at home, chances are that they may be suffering from anxiety. Visit  to learn more about the Yorkshire Terrier.

A change of environment can also cause your pet to become anxious. This is because in general, most pets tend to be wary of places and faces they are unfamiliar with. So, to keep your pet in the best mental state, you may want to cut down the frequency at which you change your environment.

Causes of anxiety in dogs

There are several causes of anxiety in dogs. However, the following have been found to be the most common:

  • Separation
  • Aging
  • Fear


We touched a little on this earlier. Separation-induced anxiety in dogs is one that is very common and about 14% of dogs are estimated to suffer from this condition. Dogs suffering from this type of anxiety become uncomfortable and uneasy when separated from their family or owner. Pets that suffer from this condition tend to exhibit undesirable behaviours such as destroying furniture, defecating and urinating in the house.


As a dog ages, its brain function begins to decline, as is also the case with us humans. Older dogs are known to suffer from cognitive dysfunction syndrome (CDS) which leads to a decline in learning, memory, perception, and awareness. Understandably, this eventually causes confusion and anxiety. Click here to learn more about CDS.


This type of anxiety can be caused by new or strange environments and people, loud noises, or even visual stimuli like umbrellas or hats. Specific situations like long car rides and a visit to the vet may also trigger the condition. While it’s true that some dogs only briefly react to these stimuli, the effect may be long-lasting on other breeds.

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To know if your pet is suffering from anxiety, there are several symptoms you can look out for. Some of them may be a temporary reaction to a distressing situation, however, if they become recurrent, it could be a clear sign. Here are a few symptoms of anxiety in dogs:

  • Drooling
  • Depression
  • Pacing
  • Urinating or defecating in the house
  • Restlessness
  • Destructive behavior
  • Compulsive behaviors
  • Excessive barking
  • Aggression
  • Panting

Of every symptom mentioned above, aggression is the most dangerous. While the pet may not exhibit this behaviour towards its owner or family, it may be dangerous to have around strangers and other animals.

How can CBD treats help with anxiety in dogs?

First, these treats contain CBD or cannabidiol, which is an important cannabinoid obtained from hemp. Cannabidiol, until recently, was used only by us humans for its many therapeutic benefits including treatment of anxiety.

Several studies have proven that this chemical is effective in the treatment of anxiety, among several other illnesses. When taken in the right dosage, the chemical produces a calming effect that can help relax the nerves and ease anxiety both in humans and dogs. Also, many pet owners confirm that their pet’s anxiety levels dropped after they began CBD treatment.

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Secondly, dogs generally love treats because they are delicious and can be consumed quickly. Also, because they are used as a reward for good behaviour and excellent performance during training, they can help put a stop to the nasty behaviours we noted earlier. Since dogs understand that good behaviour earns them a delicious treat, they are more likely to give up those ones that earn them a scolding for something tasty that they can munch on.

Final thoughts

CBD has been proven to be a great treatment for anxiety and other illnesses like seizures and arthritis. That said, before you start administering this to your pet, it is important that you consult your vet. This is even more necessary for pets that have previously been on other medications.

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