
Lynch changes world helping African youth

Retiree George Lynch has dedicated the rest of his life to educating African (Afruikan) people about their glory that holds special emphasis for the African youth. In his poem “My Pledge” he promises to change the world and this promise he intends to keep through his dedicated work.

In 2016, he started an African study group that aims to provide more attractive avenues of growth for young people. The focus is to save the youth by getting them deeply involved in projects that would eventually reduce poverty and crime. The group has tabled projects which include agriculture, manufacturing, performing arts, and music production.

Writings dedicated to African people

George Lynch has written several books that are available for download on his website at His writings are dedicated to African people. Readers may learn more about his works or contribute to his mission by contacting George Lynch by email.

George Lynch

Books in his series called Poetry Without Borders are:

  1. Sunrise
  2. Passion And Pain
  3. Who Are We
  4. Children’s Education
  5. Things Fall Apart
  6. Aiming High
  7. I Will Rise. I Will Shine
  8. When Truth Offends – Reloaded

Other projects for the African youth

In 1997, his group had been involved with supporting children’s homes and governing bodies. From 2004 to 2014, Mr Lynch and his wife had introduced a programme that involved working daily with students who were “at risk”. They provided them with projects and got mentors in the wider community involved in assisting the children, teenagers, and young adults. The youth have been deeply involved in sports and culture at regional and national levels.

Poems by George Lynch

All poems written by George Lynch can be enjoyed at Here are two:

My Pledge

I am, everything

Almighty Yahweh wants me to be.

He created me in His image.

Therefore I have the power

To create what my tomorrow will be.

And I will.

I will be, the effective and positive leader

My country expects of me.

And my behaviour, will demonstrate likewise.

I possess the power to change our world.

Thus, I will make that difference.

This, I promise. – George MacD Lynch


The truth be told, we are reflected in each other.

The people we like and to whom we are drawn,

Reflect the qualities we like about ourselves,

Or wish to cultivate in ourselves.

The people we despise, or from whom we choose to retreat,

Reflect the things we do not like of ourselves,

Or wish to eradicate from ourselves.

We should be concerned, not with the people we like.

But with those we despise, and from whom we shy away.

For when we have learned the essence driving our behaviour,

We have begun opening our minds,

To the qualities we “cherish”, in ourselves.

No exception. – George MacD Lynch

June 2017

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