Tagged: Abuja, Clerk, Consulate, Foreign Affairs, Foreign Service, job opportunity, Jobs in Nigeria, Nigeria, Trinidad and Tobago High Commission, Typist, United Nations
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February 24, 2019 at 3:42 pm #755750
GuestRepublic of Trinidad and Tobago High Commission Opportunity
The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago High Commission Abuja,Nigeria is inviting applications from suitably qualified candidates to fill the position below:Job Title: Clerk/TypistLocation: AbujaRequirementsIdeal candidates should possess the following:
- Strong IT skills;
- A police certificate of good character;
- More than 3 years of consistent working experience in a similar or related capacity;
- 2 Referees and letter from last employer.
Application Closing Date
28th February, 2019.How to ApplyInterested and qualified candidates should forward their CV to:Trinidad and Tobago High Commission,7 Casablanca Street,Off Parakou Street,Off Aminu Kano Crescent,Wuse II – Abuja.Apply here
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Trinidad and Tobago Embassies, High Commissions and Consulates abroad
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago High Commission
SHIS QL 02, Conjunto 02, Casa 01
Lago Sul, CEP: 71665-028
Brasilia D.F., Brazil
Tel. 011-5561-3365-3466 / 3525 / 1132
Fax. 011-5561-3365-3466
email: trinbagoemb@gmail.comAmbassador: H.E. Dr. Amery Browne
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago High Commission
Avenue de La Faisanderie 14
1150 Brussels, Belgium
Tel. 011-322-762-9400
Fax. 011-322-772-2783
Email: info@embtrinbago.beCharge d’ Affaires a.i. Ms. Joanne Brooks
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago High Commission
200 First Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1S 2G6
Tel. 1-613-232-2418/9
Fax. 1-613-232-4349
Email: hcottawa@foreign.gov.ttHigh Commissioner: H.E. Garth Chatoor
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago High Commission
185 Sheppard Avenue West,
Toronto, Ontario M2N 1M9
Tel. 1-416-495-9443-3
Fax. 1-416-495-6934
Email: congentoronto@foreign.gov.ttMs. Kiva Clarke, Acting Consulate General
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago High Commission
Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, San José, Costa Rica
Her Excellency Tracy Davidson-Celestine, Ambassador of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Address: Edificio Torre La Sabana
Segundo Piso
Del ICE 300 metros Oeste y 25 Norte
Sabana Norte, San José
Country: Costa Rica
Phone: (011) 506-2231-0809/2505 5732
Fax: (011) 506-2231-1244/2505 5652 | (011) 506-2505-5601
Email: embttsanjose@foreign.gov.ttRepublic of Trinidad and Tobago High Commission
5ta Ave. 6603, E/66 & 68
Miramar, Playa
Cuidad de la Havana, Cuba
Tel. 011-537-207-9603/ 9604
Email. embhavana@foreign.gov.tt or ttmissionscuba@gmail.comAmbassador: H.E. Dr. Lancelot Cowie
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago High Commission
B-3/26 Vasant Vihar
New Delhi, 110 057 India
Tel. 011-9111-4600-7500
Fax. 011-9111-4600-7505
Email Addresses:
Trade/Information & General Enquiries: info@hctt.net
Consular & Visa Information: consular@hctt.net
Website: http://www.foreign.gov.tt/hcnewdelhi
Telex: TrintagoffNewDelhiHigh Commissioner: H.E. Dave Persad
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago High Commission
High Commission of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Kingston, Jamaica
His Excellency Fitzgerald Jeffrey, High Commissioner for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Address: 25 Windsor Avenue
Kingston 5
Country: Jamaica
Phone: 1-876-926-5730 | 1-876-926-5739 | 1-876-968-0588
Fax: 1-876-926-5801
Email: hckingston@foreign.gov.tt
Website: http://foreign.gov.tt/hckingstonRepublic of Trinidad and Tobago High Commission
High Commission of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Abuja, Nigeria
Mr. Wendell De Landro, High Commissioner for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Address: No. 7 Casablanca Street (Off Nairobi Street, off Aminu Kano Crescent)
Wuse II
Abuja, F.C.T.
Country: Nigeria
Phone: 011-234-9-461-1118 | 011-234-9-870-2438
Email: hcabuja@foreign.gov.tt
Website: http://foreign.gov.tt/hcabujaRepublic of Trinidad and Tobago High Commission
Torre Global
Piso 32, Oficina 3201, Calle 50 y Calle 58 Este
Apartado 0832-00835
Panamá City, Panama
Tel. 011- 507-388-5800
Email. embttpanama@foreign.gov.ttMs. Joanne Alfred, Chargé d’Affaires a.i.
Republic of Trinidad and Tobago High Commission
High Commission of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Pretoria, South Africa
His Excellency Roger Gopaul, High Commissioner for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Address: 258 Lawley Street
Country: South Africa
Phone: 011-271-2460-9688
Fax: 011-271-2346-7302
Email: hcpretoria@foreign.gov.ttRepublic of Trinidad and Tobago High Commission
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to the United Nations, Geneva, Switzerland
Ambassador Makeda Antoine-Cambridge
Address: 37-39 Rue de Vermont
1202 Geneva
Country: Switzerland
Phone: (011) 4122-918-0380 | (011) 4122-918-0390
Fax: 011-4122-734-9138 | 011-4122-734-8826
Email: prungeneva@foreign.gov.tt
Website: http://foreign.gov.tt/prungenevaLONDON, UNITED KINGDOM
High Commission of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, London, UK
High Commissioner: His Excellency Orville London
Address: 42 Belgrave Square
London, SW1X 8NT
Country: United Kingdom
Phone: 01-144207-245-9351| 01-144-207-201-9650
Fax: 01-144-207-823-1065
Email: hclondon@foreign.gov.tt
Website: http://foreign.gov.tt/hclondonMIAMI, U.S.A.
Consulate General of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Miami , USA
Jenelle Pariag, Acting Consul General
Address: 1000 Brickell Avenue
Suite 800
Miami Fl 33131-3047
Country: United States
Phone: 1-305-374-2199
Fax: 1-305-374-3199
Email: consulatemiami@foreign.gov.tt
Website: http://foreign.gov.tt/cgmiamiNEW YORK, U.S.A.
Permanent Mission of the Republic of T&T to the United Nations, New York
Her Excellency Pennelope Beckles, Ambassador of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Address: 633 Third Avenue
12th Floor
New York, N.Y., 10017
Country: United States
Phone: 1-212-697-7620 Direct Line: 1-646-589-8202
Fax: 1-212-682-3580
Email: prunny@foreign.gov.ttor tto@UN.INTConsulate General of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, New York
Ms. Kiva Clarke, Acting Consul General
Address: 125 Maiden Lane, 4th Floor
New York, N.Y. 10038
Country: United States
Phone: 1-212-682-7272
Fax: 1-212-232-0368
Email: cgnyconsulateinfo@foreign.gov.tt
Website: http://foreign.gov.tt/cgnewyorkWASHINGTON D.C. U.S.A.
Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Washington D.C.
Permanent Mission of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago to the Organization of American States.
His Excellency Brigadier General (Ret’d) Anthony Phillips-Spencer, Ambassador of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Address: 1708 Massachusetts Avenue N.W.
Washington D.C. 20036-1975
Country: United States
Phone: 1-202-467-6490/3
Fax: 1-202-785-3130
Email: embdcinfo@foreign.gov.tt
Website: http://www.foreign.gov.tt/embwashington
Immigration Office Email: embdcimmigration@foreign.gov.ttCARACAS, VENEZUELA
Embassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Caracas, Venezula
His Excellency Dr. Paul Byam, Ambassador of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Address: No. 22-12, Quinta Poshika, 3ra Avenida, Tercera Avenida
Entre 6a y 7a Transversales, Altamira
Municipio Autónomo Chacao
de Estado Miranda, Caracas
Country: Venezuela
Phone: 011-58-212-261-3748 | 011-58-212-261-5796 | 011-58-212-261-4772
Fax: 011-58-212-261-9801
Email: embassytt@gmail.com or embcaracas@foreign.gov.ttEmbassy of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago, Beijing, China
His Excellency Stephen Seedansingh Jr., Ambassador of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Address: Villa 04-03, Section C
Liang Ma Qiao Diplomatic Compound
No. 7 Bei Xiao Jie, Liang Ma Qiao
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100600
Country: China
Phone: (8610) 8532 3432
Fax: (8610) 8532 1410
Email: embbeijing@foreign.gov.ttTrinidad and Tobago Honorary Consuls abroad
Mr. Ronald Schwarz Acha
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
No. 73, Esquina 25 de Calacoto
La Paz, Bolivia
Tel. (591)-2-279-0290/0291
Fax. (591)-2-279-0292
Email: schwarz4444@yahoo.comBRAZIL – Goiania
Dr. Ihshan Youssef Simaan
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Rua 1131, Condominio Fontana di Trevi
Casa 34/35, Setor Marista
Cep 74180100
Goiania Goias
Tel. 011-55-62-3942-0010 | 011-55-61-3365-1455 | (011 55) 61 8418 6789 | (011 55) 61 3341 2073
Fax. 011-55-61-3445-1166
Email: simaan@genetic.com.brBRAZIL – Minas Gerais
Mr. Francisco Antonio Pontello
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Rua Curral del Rey, 581
Belo Horizonte -MG
30 720 220
Tel. (011 55) 31 2526 4970 | 55 31 9191 0379
Fax. 011-55-31-2526-4970
E-Mail: franciscopontello@yahoo.com.brBRAZIL – Para
Mr. Mario Antonio Valente Martins
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Rod: Mario Covar 472 Anexo A EBD
Ananindeua – Pará – Brasil
67 115 000
Tel. (011 55) 91 3222-7321 | (011 55) 91 3245-1003 | (011 55) 91 9146-9007
Fax. (011 55) 91 3245-6721
Email. consultt@terra.com.br or mavm@terra.com.brBRAZIL — Sao Paulo
Mr Ricardo Wolf Hagen Crull
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Alameda Barros, No. 101 – Suite 1201
Tel. 01232 – 001 SAO PAULO – SP
Fax. 5511 2579 2361
Email. trading@facilitylog.com.brCANADA – Montreal
Mr Richard Benjamin Yufe
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
3415-4 Avenue Du Musée
Montréal (Quebec) H3G 2C6
Tel. (514) 312-5012
Email. richard.yufe@ttconsulate.comCANADA – Regina, Saskatchewan
Mr Carlos Roberts
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
2070 Mc Tavish Street
S4T 3W7
Tel. 1-306-569-2033 | 1-306-501-8879CANADA – Winnipeg, Manitoba
Mr Krishna Ramchandar
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
11 Beckinsdale Bay
R2N 1G3
Tel. 204-982-9142 | 204-229-0193 | 204-255-6774
Email. ramchandar@shaw.caDENMARK – Copenhagen
Mr. Kurt Brusgaard
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Nyhavn 63C
DK-1051 Copenhagen K
Tel . 011-45-33-14- 3636
Fax. 011-45-33-32-4332
Email: kurt.brusgaard@odgersberndtson.dkDOMINICA – Roseau
Mr. Francis Augustus Emanuel
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
56 Federation Drive
Goodwill, Dominica
Tel. (1767) 448-2155 |(1 767) 448-3000|(1 767) 235-2155
Fax. 1-767-448-2051
Email. francis.emanuel@harris.bb / Shabz33@hotmail.comDOMINICAN REPUBLIC – Santo Domingo
Dr. Freddy Reyes Perez
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Avenue 27 de Febrero
218 Casi Esq. Tiradentes
El Vergel, Santo Domingo, D.N.
Tel. (1 809) 565-6358 | (1 809) 688-6631 ext. 2303
Fax. 1-809-731-3325
Email. freyes@alnap.com.do / yarias@alnap.com.doECUADOR – Quito
Dr. Cecilia Falconi Perez
Av. Amazonas N21 – 147 y Roca
Edificio Rio Amazones
Oficio 900, Quito
Postal Address: P.O.Box 17-03-423, Quito
Tel. 011-593-2-256-1808
Fax. (011 593-2) 250-0295
Email. cfalconi@falconipuig.com / afreire@falconipuig.comFINLAND – Helsinki
Mr. Jukka Martti Ant-Wuorinen
Honorary Consul for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Anton Invest Oy
Kalkkipaadentie 3 B
00340 Finland
Tel. 011-358-50-64487
Fax. 011-358-9-458-0010
Email: jaw@antoninvest.comFRANCE – Paris
Mr. Alain Majani d’ Inguimbert
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
45 Rue de Babylone, 75007 Paris
Fax. 011-33-1-47-538-585
Email. alainmajani@hotmail.frGERMANY – Bonn
Mr Bernd Listner
Koblenzer Straβe 121-123,
53177 Bonn,
(00 49) 228-923 928- 25
listner@wifa.de or ockel@wifa.deGERMANY – Hamburg
Mr Howard Martin Stephen Kroch
Raboisen 3
20095 Hamburg
(011 49) 40 2200396 | (011 49) 172 8309544
(011 49) 40 2206756
GabrieleKroch@t-online.deGERMANY – Munich
Mr. Ingo Myer
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Leipzigerstr. 16
D-82008 unterhaching, Munich
Tel. 011-49-89-6156-6636-7
Fax. 011-49-89-6156-6630
Email. ingo.meyr@novareisen.deGHANA – Tema
Mr. Hilton John Mitchell
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
No.1a Publishing Road
P.O. Box CO 614, Tema
Tel. 011-233-22-206-754 754 | 011-233-244-630-971 | 011-233-20-211-1819 | 011-44-7776-37-0039
Fax. 011-233-22-200-494
Email. mitchell@jonmoore.com.gh or ttconsulateghana@jonmore.com.ghGRENADA – St. George
Mr Clifton Ali
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
c/o PRW Computers (Abigail Panchoo)
P.O. Box 1072
Grand Anse Main Road
St. Georges
Tel. (473) 444-6947
Fax. (473) 440-6413
Email. cliftonali77@yahoo.com / c_ali@gittensgroup.comHAITI – Port-au-Prince
Mr. Frantz Marceau Louis
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
5 rue Coutilien
Musseau, Port-au-Prince
Tel. (011 509) 3148-1959 | (011 509) 2942-6793
Email. hafm1_45@hotmail.comHONG KONG
Dr. Richard S.C. Yapp
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Room 1509, 15th Floor
Grand City Plaza, 1 – 17 Sai Lau Kok Road
Tsuen Wan, New Territories
Hong Kong
Tel. 011-852-2833-9091 | 011-852-2834-4988
Fax. 011-852-2838-7796
Email. wheelfin@gmail.comLEBANON – Tripoli
Mr. Jean Georges Haidar
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Massarif Street,
City Centre Building, 3rd Floor
Tel. 011-961-6-444-111 / 333 | 011-961-6-443-344
Fax. 011-961-6-444-111 /333 | 011-961-6-443-344
Email. carolyne.antoun@gmail.com/ haidar@tstt.net.ttNORWAY – Oslo
Mr. Rolf E. Holmen
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Parkveien 57
P.O. Box 2895, Solli
0230 Oslo
Tel. 011-47-2554-9400| (011 47) 9003-8798
Fax. 011-47-2254-9401
Email: rolf@oholmen.noPARAGUAY – Asunción
Mr Carlos Jorge Biedermann Montaner
Avenida Brasilia 1947
Casi Artigas
Primer Piso
Edificio CIP
(011 595) 21-283-360 | (011 595) 981-400-153
(011 595) 21-208-551
carlosjorge.biedermann@gmail.comPERU – Lima
Dr. Alfonso Javier Alvarez-Calderon Yrigoyen
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Avenida Santa Cruz 937
Lima 18, Peru
Tel. 011-511-445-8134 | 011-511-242-0701
Fax. 011-511-445-8134
Email: ajacy-w@amauta.rcp.net.pe or ajacy@alvarezcalderon.comPUERTO RICO – San Juan
Mr. Steve Jaipersad
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
357 Ponce de Leon Avenue
3rd Floor
San Juan, PR 00901
Tel. (1 787) 607-7070
Fax. (1 787) 724-3204
Email. stevejai@caribe.net / stevejaipersad@gmail.comSAINT KITTS AND NEVIS – Basseterre
Ms. Claudette Caddle-Jenkins
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Shadwell Housing Site
Tel. (1 869) 465-4169 | (1 869) 465-6459 | (1 869) 662-3969 | (1 869) 662-2233
Fax. (1 869) 465-1190
Email. clalaw@hotmail.com / jenksl@hotmail.comSLOVAK REPUBLIC
Mr. Roman Danda
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Nobelova 34, 831 02 Bratislava,
Slovak Republic
Tel. + 421 2 4920 2890
Email. HKTT@techniserv.skREPUBLIC OF SOUTH KOREA – Seoul
Mr. Seung Woong Choi
Honorary Consul for the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Samsung Bldg,
623 Teheran-ro,
Gangnam-gu, Seoul
Tel. (011 822) 565-8090 | (011 822) 9137-0091
Email. seungwchoi@hotmail.comSURINAME – Paramaribo
Dr. Rudie A. Tjong-A-Hung RA
Honorary Consul of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago
Mr. Jagernath Lachmonstraat 158
P.O Box 822, Paramaribo
Tel. (011 597) 463201 | (011 597) 438325 | (011 597) 497093 | (011597) 8801254
Fax. 011-597-493800 | 011597-495100
Email. ratah@sr.netTURKEY – Istanbul
Mr Nusret Comert
Parl Maya Rezidans Barclay 12 D:1
Tel. +90 532 303 2223
Email. comertnusret@gmail.comUNITED STATES OF AMERICA,CALIFORNIA- Los AngelesMrs Joan Chanman-Forbes3361 West 83rd StreetInglewoodCalifornia, 90305US(1 323) 971-0345
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