Elderly, citizens served by 'bartender now farmer

Citizens served organic food by bartender now farmer

Given the “new normal” due to the Covid-19 pandemic… customer service means we must go to clients and not sit down and wait for them to come to us. Citizens, especially the elderly, must be able to receive good quality fresh produce from the comfort of their home. 

My name is Martin James owner of Verde Organics, a virtual organic food service company. We offer a mobile market that services clients around the same time that they would be actually “making market”. I have been in the Food and Beverage industry as a bartender for practically all my life. My mission is to use my experience in the field to make this food service an asset to all citizens.

Customer service and the “new normal”

Given the “new normal” due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the purchasing public is too scared for their own safety. Customer service means we have to go to clients and not sit down and wait for them to come to us. Citizens, especially the elderly, must be able to receive good quality fresh produce from the comfort of their home. We help them to stay at home, be safe and eat healthy.

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Organic patchoi

Needs of the citizens

I saw this service as being necessary due to having first-hand experience with my elderly relatives. My mom lives with me so it is always on my mind. I can respond and deal with situations before they become a problem.

All my customers have been with me from day one. They all love the idea that they can get all their produce and fruits dealt with safely. They are the life of my business and I love them dearly. 

Locations and payment

Currently, we are in four suburban communities and are looking to increase our supply area. We believe that all our customers need good quality produce at reasonable prices delivered safely to their respective locations. 

At the moment, we collect payment on delivery. We are testing the inclusion of e-billing which I see as an added benefit to our service. Imagine that you place an order and within a short time “voila” you get an alert by email or phone. It tells you that your itemised invoice has been sent to you.

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Contact us to place orders

To benefit from the Verde Organics mobile market service all you have to do is reach me Martin at 1-868-779-4168.

Visit our Facebook page and receive regular broadcasts with our prices, specials and ongoing initiatives.

Verde Organics

Verde Organics. 503 likes. We are a group of individuals that want to positively change the agriculture narrative in Trinidad and Tobago one consumer at a time.

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How to make grilled sorrel chicken – Sweet TnT Magazine

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Our global audience visits daily for the positive content about almost any topic. We at Culturama Publishing Company publish useful and entertaining articles, photos and videos in the categories Lifestyle, Places, Food, Health, Education, Tech, Finance, Local Writings and Books. Our content comes from writers in-house and readers all over the world who share experiences, recipes, tips and tricks on home remedies for health, tech, finance and education. We feature new talent and businesses in Trinidad and Tobago in all areas including food, photography, videography, music, art, literature and crafts. Submissions and press releases are welcomed. Send to Contact us about marketing Send us an email at to discuss marketing and advertising needs with Sweet TnT Magazine. Request our media kit to choose the package that suits you.

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